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Target revisions

Targets were adjusted for those objectives for which a change was made to the total population baseline data point after the publication of Healthy People 2010. Baseline data were changed for a variety of reasons including revisions in methodology, survey questions, baseline year, and population denominators. Baseline data for several objectives were revised to accommodate updated public health recommendations. In several cases, baseline data were revised because the previously published data were based on preliminary analyses. Target revisions were not made in cases in which the baseline data for a select population had changed but data for the total population were unchanged.

The method used to adjust the target for an objective with a revised baseline for the total population depended on the original target-setting method outlined in Healthy People 2010.

      Targets based on Targets based on "better than the best" racial/ethnic subgroup were revised using the same percent improvement from the racial/ethnic group with the "best" rate as was computed for the original target.

      Targets based on percent improvement were revised using the original percent improvement. Targets based on percent improvement were revised using the original percent improvement.

      Targets based on total elimination, total coverage, or consistent with another program were not revised. 
Targets based on total elimination, total coverage, or consistent with another program were not revised.

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This page last reviewed: Thursday, October 31, 2019