National Center for Health Statistics
Mortality Data on CDC WONDER

  • All Ages Deaths by Underlying Cause

Underlying Cause of Death

2018-2023: Underlying Cause of Death by Single-Race Categories

1999-2020: Underlying Cause of Death by Bridged-Race Categories

1968-2016: Compressed Mortality

The mortality data available on CDC WONDER are national mortality and population data produced by National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Mortality information is collected by state registries and provided to the National Vital Statistics System. Data are based on death certificates for U.S. residents. Each death certificate contains a single underlying cause of death, and demographic data. The number of deaths and death rates can be obtained by place of residence (United States national, state, and county when available), age group, race, Hispanic ethnicity, sex, and cause of death (4-digit ICD-10 codes, 113 selected causes of death, 130 selected causes of death for infants, and categories for injury intent and mechanism, or drug / alcohol induced causes of death, when available). For more information, refer to National Vital Statistics System - Mortality Data.

Page last reviewed: March 11, 2025
Content source: CDC WONDER