NNDSS Annual Summary Data 2016-2022 Request

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Make all desired selections and then click any Send button one time to send your request.
1. Organize table layout:Help

Select demographic:                                

1. You can only Group Results By Disease, and/or Year, and/or one of the following: MMWR Region and/or State, Month, Age, Sex, Race, Ethnicity.
2. Select specific filters to limit your selected option below in section 2.
3. The most recent year of data, 2022, is the default selection.
You can change the year(s) in section 2 below.
4. Select custom rate factors for incidence rates below under Other Options. Rates are calculated per 100,000 persons by default.
Default Measures Case Counts
Optional Measures (Check box to include in results.)
2. Select specific filters for the following data fields:Help
Hint: Use Ctrl + Click for multiple selections, or Shift + Click for a range.
3. Other options:Help
(Check box to download results to a file)
decimal places
Content source: CDC WONDER