TABLE II. (Part 13) Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases (>= 1,000 cases reported during the preceding year), and selected* low frequency diseases, United States and U.S. territories, week ending December 30, 2017 (WEEK 52)† column labels in same order that data fields appears in each record below: Reporting Area Salmonellosis current week Salmonellosis previous 52 weeks median Salmonellosis previous 52 weeks maximum Salmonellosis cummulative for 2017 Salmonellosis cummulative for 2016 Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC)§ current week Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC)§ previous 52 weeks median Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC)§ previous 52 weeks maximum Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC)§ cummulative for 2017 Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC)§ cummulative for 2016 Shigellosis current week Shigellosis previous 52 weeks median Shigellosis previous 52 weeks maximum Shigellosis cummulative for 2017 Shigellosis cummulative for 2016 tab delimited data: UNITED STATES 95 845 1,959 44,195 53,850 6 119 506 6,254 8,169 26 235 633 11,795 21,097 NEW ENGLAND 2 39 87 2,003 2,207 1 5 16 293 347 - 6 13 293 283 Conn. - 8 22 447 457 - 1 4 67 127 - 1 6 73 51 Maine 2 1 7 99 122 - 1 2 33 37 - 0 2 7 2 Mass. - 22 51 1,082 1,189 - 2 14 128 125 - 3 8 148 183 N.H. - 2 10 131 195 - 0 3 31 23 - 0 3 12 13 R.I. - 2 14 143 123 - 0 3 13 11 - 1 3 36 32 Vt. - 2 6 101 121 1 0 3 21 24 - 0 2 17 2 MID. ATLANTIC 24 75 170 4,415 4,993 4 14 29 700 770 13 24 44 1,238 1,553 N.J. - 8 34 537 1,051 - 2 12 112 155 - 5 14 278 299 N.Y. (Upstate) 5 22 52 1,242 1,406 2 4 12 244 255 2 5 11 247 224 N.Y. City 15 18 52 1,073 933 1 3 10 140 114 11 8 18 463 368 Pa. 4 28 61 1,563 1,603 1 3 11 204 246 - 4 14 250 662 E.N. CENTRAL 1 97 225 5,308 6,108 - 16 64 944 1,099 2 35 68 1,710 3,409 Ill. - 26 72 1,439 1,811 - 3 9 154 313 - 6 14 264 592 Ind. - 11 30 633 799 - 1 13 100 101 - 2 9 136 291 Mich. - 17 37 947 1,053 - 3 7 159 148 1 8 31 440 690 Ohio - 28 54 1,377 1,543 - 5 19 279 264 - 11 30 610 1,101 Wis. 1 15 62 912 902 - 4 18 252 273 1 4 22 260 735 W.N. CENTRAL 5 57 111 2,867 3,862 - 17 51 1,008 1,427 - 14 49 802 2,318 Iowa 2 12 30 716 776 - 3 15 265 298 - 3 10 164 425 Kans. 1 9 23 488 462 - 2 10 134 148 - 2 25 176 249 Minn. - 0 5 - 881 - 0 7 1 410 - 0 4 - 593 Mo. - 16 44 979 1,022 - 5 17 318 334 - 6 31 411 830 Nebr. 2 6 26 375 295 - 2 13 164 123 - 0 2 22 177 N. Dak. - 2 5 91 121 - 0 4 39 31 - 0 1 1 16 S. Dak. - 4 14 218 305 - 1 6 87 83 - 0 7 28 28 S. ATLANTIC 12 254 502 14,377 14,243 - 12 22 607 594 7 55 93 2,754 2,825 Del. - 2 11 164 171 - 0 2 10 15 - 0 6 32 83 D.C. - 0 2 21 72 - 0 3 5 7 - 0 2 15 23 Fla. - 113 241 6,159 5,621 - 2 10 126 99 - 24 54 1,225 753 Ga. - 39 77 2,085 2,267 - 2 8 136 119 - 8 14 417 672 Md. 6 15 39 890 897 - 1 4 63 74 1 5 12 236 151 N.C. - 37 107 2,154 2,127 - 1 5 63 79 - 5 14 255 520 S.C. 6 26 75 1,540 1,656 - 1 5 41 39 6 6 23 389 253 Va. - 24 55 1,170 1,193 - 3 10 150 139 - 3 13 167 358 W. Va. - 3 10 194 239 - 0 4 13 23 - 0 2 18 12 E.S. CENTRAL 8 62 124 3,541 4,293 - 5 15 267 331 1 18 41 917 855 Ala. - 19 42 979 1,284 - 0 3 29 39 - 4 8 195 239 Ky. - 11 34 622 716 - 1 4 46 87 - 5 23 274 301 Miss. 8 19 47 1,103 1,187 - 0 2 24 24 1 3 10 176 81 Tenn. - 16 34 837 1,106 - 3 12 168 181 - 5 12 272 234 W.S. CENTRAL 15 115 646 6,373 9,004 1 20 166 1,081 1,330 - 34 202 1,753 5,632 Ark. - 11 30 624 815 - 1 6 81 108 - 4 15 237 154 La. - 11 46 622 1,365 - 0 2 11 28 - 2 9 122 418 Okla. - 16 41 830 923 - 2 39 98 179 - 2 35 123 674 Tex. 15 80 589 4,297 5,901 1 18 122 891 1,015 - 25 151 1,271 4,386 MOUNTAIN 11 55 86 2,814 2,894 - 14 38 828 891 3 18 41 957 1,847 Ariz. 1 17 29 876 900 - 3 10 168 148 - 10 26 543 1,231 Colo. 8 14 28 750 696 - 4 15 258 235 3 3 9 176 192 Idaho 2 4 9 196 183 - 2 8 125 179 - 0 5 34 39 Mont. - 2 8 135 177 - 2 6 94 133 - 0 3 9 8 Nev. - 2 9 132 199 - 0 4 31 55 - 0 6 41 61 N. Mex. - 6 15 327 339 - 0 4 41 48 - 2 12 124 234 Utah - 5 28 313 333 - 1 7 91 78 - 0 4 24 78 Wyo. - 1 6 85 67 - 0 3 20 15 - 0 3 6 4 PACIFIC 17 48 824 2,497 6,246 - 8 274 526 1,380 - 26 232 1,371 2,375 Alaska - 1 3 45 67 - 0 2 9 14 - 0 2 6 8 Calif. - 19 61 957 4,674 - 0 13 1 890 - 18 50 951 2,036 Hawaii - 5 18 273 306 - 0 3 19 26 - 0 3 34 39 Oreg. 4 9 25 480 445 - 4 10 228 191 - 2 13 127 101 Wash. 13 13 754 742 754 - 2 259 269 259 - 2 191 253 191 Amer. Samoa - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - C.N.M.I. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Guam - - - - 21 - - - - - - - - - 14 P.R. - 0 14 131 646 - 0 0 - - - 0 2 5 23 V.I. - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - C.N.M.I.: Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands. U: Unavailable. -: No reported cases. N: Not reportable. NN: Not Nationally Notifiable NP: Nationally notifiable but not published. Cumulative: year-to-date counts. * Three low incidence conditions, rubella, rubella congenital, and tetanus, are in Table II to facilitate case count verification with reporting jurisdictions. † Case counts for reporting year 2017 are provisional and subject to change. For further information on interpretation of these data, see Data for tuberculosis are displayed quarterly. § Includes E. coli O157:H7, Shiga toxin-positive, serogroup non-O157, and Shiga toxin-positive, not serogrouped. Notes: These are weekly cases of selected infectious national notifiable diseases, from the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS). NNDSS data reported by the 50 states, New York City, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories are collated and published weekly as numbered tables. Cases reported by state health departments to CDC for weekly publication are subject to ongoing revision of information and delayed reporting. Therefore, numbers listed in later weeks may reflect changes made to these counts as additional information becomes available. Case counts in the tables are presented as published each week. See also, Guide to Interpreting Provisional and Finalized NNDSS Data. Weekly tables since 1996 are available on, CDC WONDER. Weekly tables since 2014 are available on, Weekly tables for 1952-2017 published in the MMWR are available at, CDC Stacks MMWR, and weekly tables starting in 2018 are available at, CDC Stacks NNDSS (once in CDC Stacks NNDSS select "Weekly Tables" in the "Genre" box at the left). Notices, errata, and other notes are available in the, Notice To Data Users page. Suggested Citation: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System, Weekly Tables of Infectious Disease Data. Atlanta, GA. CDC Division of Health Informatics and Surveillance. Available at:,, National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System Provided by, CDC WONDER