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National Notifiable Infectious Diseases: Weekly Tables

TABLE 2c. Weekly cases* of selected notifiable diseases ( ≥ 1,000 cases reported during the preceding year), and selected low frequency diseases, United States and U.S. territories, week ending January 27, 2018 (WEEK 04)
Chlamydia trachomatis infection Coccidioidomycosis
Previous 52 weeks Cum
Previous 52 weeks Cum
Med Max Med Max
United States 11,525 32,269 35,303 63,132 122,104 243 225 378 1,115 891
New England 402 1,015 1,302 1,864 4,252 - 0 1 - -
Connecticut - 202 530 - 750 N 0 0 N N
Maine - 61 137 - 427 N 0 0 N N
Massachusetts 398 574 683 1,841 2,157 N 0 0 N N
New Hampshire - 76 185 - 693 - 0 1 - -
Rhode Island 4 86 262 23 78 - 0 0 - -
Vermont - 23 50 - 147 N 0 0 N N
Middle Atlantic 3,083 4,140 5,074 12,933 18,225 - 0 0 - -
New Jersey 266 684 846 2,052 2,712 N 0 0 N N
New York (excluding New York City) 916 876 1,535 2,832 2,563 N 0 0 N N
New York City 864 1,419 1,588 4,305 5,677 N 0 0 N N
Pennsylvania 1,037 1,105 2,003 3,744 7,273 N 0 0 N N
East North Central 1,618 4,426 5,208 10,489 19,258 - 1 4 - 8
Illinois 75 1,071 1,599 1,360 5,636 N 0 0 N N
Indiana 353 649 891 1,917 2,456 N 0 0 N N
Michigan 290 933 1,093 1,878 4,095 - 0 2 - 4
Ohio 531 1,171 1,316 3,611 4,840 - 0 4 - 2
Wisconsin 369 546 643 1,723 2,231 - 0 1 - 2
West North Central 334 1,898 2,224 2,916 7,305 - 2 5 3 8
Iowa - 262 338 390 1,018 N 0 0 N N
Kansas 112 265 314 737 1,017 N 0 0 N N
Minnesota - 437 531 - 1,836 - 1 4 - 7
Missouri 174 631 840 1,453 2,225 - 0 2 2 1
Nebraska 48 165 233 195 605 - 0 1 1 -
North Dakota - 62 78 2 245 - 0 1 - -
South Dakota - 80 120 139 359 N 0 0 N N
South Atlantic 2,312 6,773 8,367 11,766 23,296 - 0 2 - -
Delaware - 102 149 - 353 - 0 0 - -
District of Columbia - 163 426 475 713 - 0 0 - -
Florida 1,076 2,009 2,424 4,863 6,045 N 0 0 N N
Georgia 505 1,219 1,442 2,878 5,065 N 0 0 N N
Maryland - 627 1,245 906 858 - 0 2 - -
North Carolina 4 1,177 1,386 20 4,881 N 0 0 N N
South Carolina - 592 2,152 - 2,362 N 0 0 N N
Virginia 727 759 1,605 2,624 2,637 N 0 0 N N
West Virginia - 74 130 - 382 N 0 0 N N
East South Central 209 2,015 2,758 2,390 7,301 - 0 1 - 1
Alabama - 558 953 1,071 2,199 N 0 0 N N
Kentucky - 371 512 - 1,523 - 0 1 - 1
Mississippi - 378 736 684 593 N 0 0 N N
Tennessee 209 654 915 635 2,986 N 0 0 N N
West South Central 496 4,047 5,416 1,139 14,804 2 0 3 2 -
Arkansas 1 207 718 2 309 2 0 2 2 -
Louisiana 442 625 1,678 536 1,846 - 0 1 - -
Oklahoma 53 341 405 601 1,335 N 0 0 N N
Texas - 2,865 4,061 - 11,314 N 0 0 N N
Mountain 1,477 2,280 3,028 4,860 6,888 234 123 327 1,026 521
Arizona 689 761 1,625 1,472 1,911 233 118 324 1,022 511
Colorado 574 495 790 1,895 1,882 N 0 0 N N
Idaho - 114 179 310 20 N 0 0 N N
Montana - 89 163 192 387 - 0 3 - 2
Nevada - 261 350 15 944 - 3 10 1 7
New Mexico 63 247 435 343 812 1 0 2 3 -
Utah 151 196 272 633 810 - 0 4 - 1
Wyoming - 41 78 - 122 - 0 2 - -
Pacific 1,594 5,333 5,813 14,775 20,775 7 76 139 84 353
Alaska - 111 155 64 385 N 0 0 N N
California 396 4,239 4,729 11,479 16,687 7 76 139 84 353
Hawaii - 131 181 - 594 N 0 0 N N
Oregon 441 365 545 1,498 1,203 - 0 2 - -
Washington 757 475 615 1,734 1,906 N 0 0 N N
American Samoa - 0 0 - - N 0 0 N N
Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands - - - - - - - - - -
Guam - - - - - - - - - -
Puerto Rico - 109 241 39 685 N 0 0 N N
U.S. Virgin Islands - 10 21 - 42 - 0 0 - -
  • U: Unavailable — The data are unavailable.
  • -: No reported cases — The reporting jurisdiction did not submit any cases to CDC.
  • N: Not reportable — The disease or condition was not reportable by law, statute, or regulation in the reporting jurisdiction.
  • NN: Not nationally notifiable — This condition was not designated as being nationally notifiable.
  • NP: Nationally notifiable but not published — CDC does not have data because of changes in how conditions are categorized.
  • Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts.
  • Med: Median — Median case count during the previous 52 weeks.
  • Max: Maximum — Maximum case count during the previous 52 weeks.
  • * Case counts for reporting years 2017 and 2018 are provisional and subject to change.