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ERRATUM:  Weeks 1-52 data for Haemophilus influenzae, invasive disease in Table 1 were updated on Monday, February 11, 2019.
Labels for "Nontypeable" and "Non-b serotype" were incorrectly placed resulting in the numbers being switched for these two rows. They are now correct.

National Notifiable Infectious Diseases: Weekly Tables

TABLE 1. Weekly cases* of selected infrequently reported notifiable diseases (<1,000 cases reported during the preceding year), excluding U.S. territories -- United States, week ending February 10, 2018 (WEEK 06) †
Disease Total cases reported for previous years
2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 States reporting cases
during current week (Count)
Anthrax - - - - - - - -  
Arboviral diseases, neuroinvasive and non-neuroinvasive ¶                  
Chikungunya virus disease - 2 3 127 247 896 NN NN  
Eastern equine encephalitis virus disease - - - 3 7 6 8 8  
Jamestown Canyon virus disease - - - 67 15 11 11 22  
La Crosse virus disease - - - 47 35 55 80 85  
Powassan virus disease - - - 33 22 7 8 12  
St. Louis encephalitis virus disease - - 0 9 8 23 10 1  
Western equine encephalitis virus disease - - - - - - - -  
Total 1 8 3 136 201 195 161 152  
Foodborne - - 0 18 31 37 15 4  
Infant 1 8 2 104 144 138 127 136 WA (1 )
Other (wound and unspecified) - - 0 14 26 20 19 12  
Brucellosis - 2 1 123 127 126 92 99  
Chancroid - - 0 8 11 11 - -  
Cholera - - 0 4 15 5 5 14  
Cyclosporiasis ¶ - 2 1 1,099 535 645 388 784  
Diphtheria - - - - - - 1 -  
Haemophilus influenzae,
invasive disease (age <5 years)
Serotype b 1 2 0 25 30 29 40 31 WA (1 )
Non-b serotype 3 12 2 146 159 135 266 233 KY (1 ), MS (1 ), NM (1 )
Nontypeable 1 12 5 133 196 175 128 141 OH (1 )
Unknown serotype 5 35 5 252 187 167 39 34 NYC (1 ), OH (1 ), MO (1 ), AZ (1 ), WA (1 )
Hansen's disease ¶ - 2 2 69 78 89 88 81  
Hantavirus infection, non-hantavirus pulmonary syndrome ¶ - - - - 6 3 NN NN  
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome ¶ - 2 0 21 31 21 32 21  
Hemolytic uremic syndrome, post-diarrheal ¶ 1 4 3 292 307 274 250 329 NE (1 )
Hepatitis B, perinatal infection - - 1 25 34 37 47 48  
Influenza-associated pediatric mortality ¶, ** 22 73 6 110 82 130 141 160 NYC (3 ), IN (2 ), IL (2 ), MN (2 ), KS (1 ), MD (1 ), WV (1 ), FL (1 ), AL (2 ), AR (1 ), LA (1 ), CA (1 ), NC (3), VA (1)
Leptospirosis ¶ - 4 0 55 78 40 38 NN  
Listeriosis 2 24 8 786 786 768 769 735 ME (1 ), PA (1 )
Measles †† - 10 6 122 85 188 667 187  
Meningococcal disease                  
Serogroups ACWY 1 10 2 73 126 120 123 142 WA (1 )
Serogroup B - 4 2 68 86 111 89 99  
Other serogroups - 2 1 20 21 21 25 17  
Unknown serogroup 1 24 5 187 142 120 196 298 TX (1 )
Novel influenza A virus infections §§ - - - 67 23 7 3 21  
Paratyphoid fever ¶¶ - 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA  
Plague - - - 1 4 16 10 4  
Poliomyelitis, paralytic - - - - - - - 1  
Polio virus infection, nonparalytic ¶ - - - - - - - -  
Psittacosis ¶ - - 0 6 12 4 8 6  
Q fever ¶                  
Total - 4 2 143 164 156 168 170  
Acute - 4 2 108 132 122 132 137  
Chronic - - 0 35 32 34 36 33  
Rabies, human - 1 - 2 - 2 1 2  
Severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus disease (SARS CoV) - - - - - - - -  
Smallpox - - - - - - - -  
Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome ¶ 2 22 7 331 283 335 259 224 ME (1 ), VA (1 )
Syphilis, congenital - 29 11 690 633 493 458 348  
Toxic shock syndrome (other than streptococcal) ¶ - - 1 23 40 64 59 71  
Trichinellosis ¶ - - 0 8 26 14 14 22  
Tularemia - 1 1 220 230 314 180 203  
Typhoid fever 1 22 7 318 376 367 349 338 RI (1 )
Vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus - 3 3 92 108 183 212 248  
Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus - - 0 - - 3 - -  
Viral hemorrhagic fevers ***                  
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus - - - - - - NP NP  
Ebola virus - - - - - - 4 NP  
Guanarito virus - - - - - - NP NP  
Junin virus - - - - - - NP NP  
Lassa virus - - - - - 1 1 NP  
Lujo virus - - - - - - NP NP  
Machupo virus - - - - - - NP NP  
Marburg virus - - - - - - NP NP  
Sabia virus - - - - - - NP NP  
Yellow fever - - - - - - - -  
  • -: No reported cases — The reporting jurisdiction did not submit any cases to CDC.
  • N: Not reportable — The disease or condition was not reportable by law, statute, or regulation in the reporting jurisdiction.
  • NA: Not available — CDC does not have data because of nomenclature changes in how data are reported for nationally notifiable conditions.
  • NN: Not nationally notifiable — This condition was not designated as being nationally notifiable.
  • NP: Nationally notifiable but not published — CDC does not have data because of changes in how conditions are categorized.
  • Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts.
  • * Case counts for reporting years 2017 and 2018 are provisional and subject to change. Data for years 2013 through 2016 are finalized.
  • † This table does not include cases from the U.S. territories.
  • § Calculated by summing the incidence counts for the current week, the 2 weeks preceding the current week, and the 2 weeks following the current week, for a total of 5 preceding years. Additional information is available at
  • ¶ Not reportable in all jurisdictions. Data from states where the condition is not reportable are excluded from this table, except for the arboviral diseases and influenza-associated pediatric mortality. Reporting exceptions are available at
  • ** Since October 1, 2017, 84 influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2017-18 season have been reported.
  • †† No measles cases were reported for the current week.
  • §§ Novel influenza A virus infections are human infections with influenza A viruses that are different from currently circulating human seasonal influenza viruses. With the exception of one avian lineage influenza A (H7N2) virus, all novel influenza A virus infections reported to CDC since 2013 have been variant influenza viruses.
  • ¶¶ Prior to 2018, cases of paratyphoid fever were included with salmonellosis cases (see Table II).
  • *** Prior to 2015, CDC's National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS) did not receive electronic data about incident cases of specific viral hemorrhagic fevers; instead data were collected in aggregate as "viral hemorrhagic fevers'. NNDSS was updated beginning in 2015 to receive data for each of the viral hemorrhagic fevers listed.