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National Notifiable Infectious Diseases: Weekly Tables

TABLE 2c. Weekly cases* of selected notifiable diseases ( ≥ 1,000 cases reported during the preceding year), and selected low frequency diseases, United States and U.S. territories, week ending April 21, 2018 (WEEK 16)
Chlamydia trachomatis infection Coccidioidomycosis
Previous 52 weeks Cum
Previous 52 weeks Cum
Med Max Med Max
United States 13,094 32,618 35,888 420,619 516,774 204 255 458 4,229 2,741
New England 242 1,053 2,133 12,020 17,674 - 0 1 1 1
Connecticut 2 172 1,072 318 4,163 N 0 0 N N
Maine 52 89 130 1,107 1,528 N 0 0 N N
Massachusetts - 583 677 8,337 8,655 N 0 0 N N
New Hampshire - 77 136 1,228 1,931 - 0 1 1 1
Rhode Island 188 91 532 1,002 781 - 0 1 - -
Vermont - 22 48 28 616 N 0 0 N N
Middle Atlantic 2,184 4,071 4,510 61,382 69,773 - 0 0 - -
New Jersey 374 686 846 10,263 10,647 N 0 0 N N
New York (excluding New York City) 976 900 1,742 13,816 12,488 N 0 0 N N
New York City - 1,416 1,599 20,231 22,345 N 0 0 N N
Pennsylvania 834 1,092 1,281 17,072 24,293 N 0 0 N N
East North Central 1,622 4,846 5,466 56,794 76,775 2 1 5 16 16
Illinois 58 1,430 1,641 11,139 23,278 N 0 0 N N
Indiana 361 647 891 9,665 10,532 N 0 0 N N
Michigan 233 956 1,178 11,355 15,576 - 0 2 8 8
Ohio 647 1,180 1,326 17,286 18,902 2 0 4 8 6
Wisconsin 323 539 639 7,349 8,487 - 0 1 - 2
West North Central 800 1,903 2,238 25,778 30,262 - 2 8 32 29
Iowa 92 272 340 4,003 4,163 N 0 0 N N
Kansas 110 266 314 3,913 4,111 N 0 0 N N
Minnesota 9 441 550 3,603 7,188 - 1 6 24 19
Missouri 511 637 830 10,455 9,811 - 0 2 6 8
Nebraska 57 164 239 2,154 2,622 - 0 1 2 -
North Dakota 21 64 86 918 957 - 0 1 - 2
South Dakota - 73 101 732 1,410 N 0 0 N N
South Atlantic 3,085 6,933 8,481 89,196 104,382 1 0 2 3 3
Delaware - 101 155 1,385 1,754 - 0 0 - -
District of Columbia - 163 426 2,626 2,567 - 0 0 - -
Florida 1,122 2,032 2,409 29,619 29,479 N 0 0 N N
Georgia - 1,228 1,416 12,298 20,507 N 0 0 N N
Maryland 405 646 1,250 8,570 6,953 1 0 2 3 3
North Carolina 25 1,218 1,337 13,323 19,609 N 0 0 N N
South Carolina 751 603 2,106 7,351 9,315 N 0 0 N N
Virginia 782 811 1,606 13,023 12,339 N 0 0 N N
West Virginia - 70 114 1,001 1,859 N 0 0 N N
East South Central 691 1,929 2,771 19,596 30,312 - 0 1 - 1
Alabama - 535 954 3,995 9,413 N 0 0 N N
Kentucky - 345 464 1,227 5,912 - 0 1 - 1
Mississippi 368 443 738 4,969 3,713 N 0 0 N N
Tennessee 323 676 844 9,405 11,274 N 0 0 N N
West South Central 2,862 4,249 5,202 51,494 66,347 - 0 3 8 2
Arkansas 119 225 959 678 3,767 - 0 2 3 1
Louisiana - 709 1,389 9,362 9,838 - 0 2 5 1
Oklahoma 21 314 405 3,913 5,456 N 0 0 N N
Texas 2,722 2,838 3,748 37,541 47,286 N 0 0 N N
Mountain 417 2,244 3,084 25,875 34,546 184 149 320 2,975 1,761
Arizona - 782 1,630 9,347 10,152 184 144 315 2,951 1,688
Colorado - 490 790 6,829 8,207 N 0 0 N N
Idaho 133 116 181 1,408 1,873 N 0 0 N N
Montana 35 95 154 1,521 1,567 - 0 3 2 5
Nevada - 290 408 372 4,965 - 3 10 7 41
New Mexico 111 237 460 2,714 4,006 - 0 3 10 1
Utah 110 192 303 3,019 3,222 - 1 4 4 22
Wyoming 28 43 79 665 554 - 0 2 1 4
Pacific 1,191 5,516 6,059 78,484 86,703 17 106 198 1,194 928
Alaska - 107 161 64 1,781 N 0 0 N N
California 283 4,291 4,764 62,393 66,954 17 106 198 1,189 924
Hawaii 5 137 169 1,972 2,091 N 0 0 N N
Oregon 379 373 545 6,190 5,606 - 0 2 5 4
Washington 524 596 838 7,865 10,271 N 0 0 N N
American Samoa - 0 0 - - N 0 0 N N
Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands - - - - - - - - - -
Guam - - - - - - - - - -
Puerto Rico - 108 243 1,704 2,415 N 0 0 N N
U.S. Virgin Islands - 9 21 - 176 - 0 0 - -
  • U: Unavailable — The data are unavailable.
  • -: No reported cases — The reporting jurisdiction did not submit any cases to CDC.
  • N: Not reportable — The disease or condition was not reportable by law, statute, or regulation in the reporting jurisdiction.
  • NN: Not nationally notifiable — This condition was not designated as being nationally notifiable.
  • NP: Nationally notifiable but not published — CDC does not have data because of changes in how conditions are categorized.
  • Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts.
  • Med: Median — Median case count during the previous 52 weeks.
  • Max: Maximum — Maximum case count during the previous 52 weeks.
  • * Case counts for reporting years 2017 and 2018 are provisional and subject to change.