TABLE 2g. Weekly cases* of selected notifiable diseases ( >1,000 cases reported during the preceding year), and selected low frequency diseases, United States and U.S. territories, week ending August 18, 2018 (WEEK 33) column labels in same order that data fields appears in each record below: Reporting Area Giardiasis current week Giardiasis previous 52 weeks median Giardiasis previous 52 weeks maximum Giardiasis cummulative for 2018 Giardiasis cummulative for 2017 Gonorrhea current week Gonorrhea previous 52 weeks median Gonorrhea previous 52 weeks maximum Gonorrhea cummulative for 2018 Gonorrhea cummulative for 2017 Haemophilus influenzae, invasive disease, all ages, all serotypes current week Haemophilus influenzae, invasive disease, all ages, all serotypes previous 52 weeks median Haemophilus influenzae, invasive disease, all ages, all serotypes previous 52 weeks maximum Haemophilus influenzae, invasive disease, all ages, all serotypes cummulative for 2018 Haemophilus influenzae, invasive disease, all ages, all serotypes cummulative for 2017 tab delimited data: United States 135 253 931 7,610 8,840 6,233 10,197 16,958 325,897 339,412 32 103 301 3,298 3,436 New England 15 19 41 589 619 128 302 7,095 15,652 8,060 1 5 20 151 190 Connecticut 1 4 11 112 130 - 87 6,873 9,291 2,322 - 1 6 16 48 Maine 4 2 8 69 64 - 11 25 207 351 - 1 2 15 21 Massachusetts 8 10 22 317 337 101 163 201 5,055 4,477 - 2 8 76 90 New Hampshire 2 2 5 58 63 8 11 24 383 329 1 0 3 17 13 Rhode Island - 1 5 33 25 19 25 107 681 489 - 0 7 16 10 Vermont N 0 0 N N - 2 14 35 92 - 0 2 11 8 Middle Atlantic 53 52 75 1,552 1,671 804 1,136 1,303 36,361 36,638 10 16 38 525 533 New Jersey - 5 15 133 249 55 164 251 4,979 5,958 - 3 8 112 90 New York (excluding New York City) 22 16 31 466 475 229 212 452 6,596 6,264 2 5 24 146 173 New York City 18 20 29 622 610 305 470 589 15,473 14,768 3 2 8 98 75 Pennsylvania 13 11 20 331 337 215 291 336 9,313 9,648 5 5 14 169 195 East North Central 23 30 85 921 1,039 617 1,435 1,898 44,440 51,208 5 19 36 525 576 Illinois N 0 0 N N - 371 557 9,646 14,715 - 4 11 145 147 Indiana - 3 8 91 116 77 235 302 7,220 7,210 - 4 9 102 85 Michigan 2 7 19 222 353 160 296 394 9,045 9,804 1 3 8 101 138 Ohio 13 6 29 291 247 264 459 546 14,022 14,944 4 5 13 163 140 Wisconsin 8 10 46 317 323 116 149 210 4,507 4,535 - 1 5 14 66 West North Central 8 18 43 492 973 383 686 833 22,447 19,919 1 5 14 169 258 Iowa - 4 17 131 168 - 88 106 2,662 2,075 - 0 1 - 1 Kansas - 2 5 58 67 43 96 131 3,171 2,827 - 0 4 14 38 Minnesota - 0 22 - 393 28 137 186 4,430 3,899 - 0 7 7 79 Missouri 2 4 10 148 169 293 276 361 9,255 8,080 1 3 10 107 90 Nebraska 6 2 6 71 86 19 47 86 1,627 1,708 - 1 3 19 30 North Dakota - 1 4 28 19 - 20 32 635 566 - 0 2 10 9 South Dakota - 2 6 56 71 - 26 44 667 764 - 0 3 12 11 South Atlantic 5 44 62 1,340 1,477 1,083 2,174 3,046 66,118 75,185 6 23 58 787 807 Delaware - 0 2 1 17 - 31 76 947 1,077 - 0 1 8 17 District of Columbia - 1 2 21 32 - 74 147 1,417 2,929 - 0 3 14 11 Florida - 18 31 639 655 349 619 850 19,542 20,197 2 6 14 229 176 Georgia - 11 34 262 373 148 376 521 10,224 14,745 1 4 14 132 144 Maryland 2 3 8 89 95 - 192 340 5,376 6,023 3 2 9 92 86 North Carolina - 0 0 - - 11 429 511 12,457 14,200 - 4 12 118 118 South Carolina 1 4 9 141 93 376 249 947 8,287 6,955 - 2 6 81 130 Virginia 2 5 31 165 152 184 219 430 7,232 8,226 - 3 21 79 99 West Virginia - 1 5 22 60 15 21 39 636 833 - 1 8 34 26 East South Central 1 4 12 130 106 616 696 1,054 20,986 24,518 1 7 22 278 254 Alabama 1 4 12 130 106 334 232 339 7,630 7,073 1 2 7 62 60 Kentucky N 0 0 N N - 32 200 531 4,486 - 2 8 68 48 Mississippi N 0 0 N N 189 183 309 4,754 5,171 - 1 5 50 38 Tennessee N 0 0 N N 93 267 323 8,071 7,788 - 3 11 98 108 West South Central 1 4 17 72 195 1,630 1,431 1,858 40,293 45,039 8 13 96 452 381 Arkansas 1 2 8 67 77 48 96 350 2,031 2,768 1 1 11 40 38 Louisiana - 0 12 5 118 60 230 329 6,956 7,392 3 1 4 56 44 Oklahoma N 0 0 N N 19 132 232 3,822 5,633 2 2 19 66 70 Texas N 0 0 N N 1,503 938 1,185 27,484 29,246 2 8 66 290 229 Mountain 16 21 44 671 827 479 712 982 22,048 21,440 - 7 17 260 292 Arizona - 2 8 92 96 142 250 401 7,443 7,516 - 2 7 89 95 Colorado 9 10 22 320 305 153 165 260 4,959 5,110 - 2 6 70 58 Idaho 3 2 9 68 101 - 18 38 463 558 - 0 2 12 16 Montana 2 1 7 44 73 7 20 36 697 457 - 0 2 13 16 Nevada - 0 3 15 27 86 112 149 3,650 3,323 - 0 2 7 28 New Mexico 2 1 5 27 62 37 89 168 2,915 2,668 - 1 4 36 32 Utah - 3 10 105 136 53 51 148 1,773 1,560 - 1 4 33 44 Wyoming - 0 3 - 27 1 6 15 148 248 - 0 1 - 3 Pacific 13 57 718 1,843 1,933 493 1,833 2,189 57,552 57,405 - 4 10 151 145 Alaska 1 1 7 32 49 - 39 68 1,085 1,334 - 1 2 24 11 California 9 45 68 1,312 1,636 217 1,503 1,698 47,308 46,439 - 1 5 32 37 Hawaii - 1 2 24 40 - 21 35 378 892 - 1 4 25 20 Oregon 2 7 16 210 208 116 110 149 3,630 2,900 - 2 7 62 77 Washington 1 1 669 265 - 160 178 280 5,151 5,840 - 0 7 8 - American Samoa - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Guam - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 2 - 2 Puerto Rico - 0 2 - 15 - 8 18 273 451 - 0 1 - 9 U.S. Virgin Islands - 0 0 - - - 0 2 15 8 - 0 0 - - U: Unavailable - The data are unavailable. -: No reported cases - The reporting jurisdiction did not submit any cases to CDC. N: Not reportable - The disease or condition was not reportable by law, statute, or regulation in the reporting jurisdiction. NN: Not nationally notifiable - This condition was not designated as being nationally notifiable. NP: Nationally notifiable but not published - CDC does not have data because of changes in how conditions are categorized. Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts. Median - Median case count during the previous 52 weeks. Maximum - Maximum case count during the previous 52 weeks. * Case counts for reporting years 2017 and 2018 are provisional and subject to change. Notes: These are weekly cases of selected infectious national notifiable diseases, from the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS). NNDSS data reported by the 50 states, New York City, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories are collated and published weekly as numbered tables. Cases reported by state health departments to CDC for weekly publication are subject to ongoing revision of information and delayed reporting. Therefore, numbers listed in later weeks may reflect changes made to these counts as additional information becomes available. Case counts in the tables are presented as published each week. See also, Guide to Interpreting Provisional and Finalized NNDSS Data. Weekly tables since 1996 are available on, CDC WONDER. Weekly tables since 2014 are available on, Weekly tables for 1952-2017 published in the MMWR are available at, CDC Stacks MMWR, and weekly tables starting in 2018 are available at, CDC Stacks NNDSS (once in CDC Stacks NNDSS select "Weekly Tables" in the "Genre" box at the left). Notices, errata, and other notes are available in the, Notice To Data Users page. The list of national notifiable infectious diseases and conditions and their national surveillance case definitions are available at, This list incorporates the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) position statements approved by CSTE for national surveillance. Suggested Citation: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System, Weekly Tables of Infectious Disease Data. Atlanta, GA. CDC Division of Health Informatics and Surveillance. Available at:,, National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System Provided by, CDC WONDER