TABLE 2p. Weekly cases* of selected notifiable diseases ( >1,000 cases reported during the preceding year), and selected low frequency diseases, United States and U.S. territories, week ending October 20, 2018 (WEEK 42) column labels in same order that data fields appears in each record below: Reporting Area Spotted fever rickettsiosis Confirmed current week Spotted fever rickettsiosis Confirmed previous 52 weeks median Spotted fever rickettsiosis Confirmed previous 52 weeks maximum Spotted fever rickettsiosis Confirmed cummulative for 2018 Spotted fever rickettsiosis Confirmed cummulative for 2017 Spotted fever rickettsiosis Probable current week Spotted fever rickettsiosis Probable previous 52 weeks median Spotted fever rickettsiosis Probable previous 52 weeks maximum Spotted fever rickettsiosis Probable cummulative for 2018 Spotted fever rickettsiosis Probable cummulative for 2017 Syphillis, primary & secondary current week Syphillis, primary & secondary previous 52 weeks median Syphillis, primary & secondary previous 52 weeks maximum Syphillis, primary & secondary cummulative for 2018 Syphillis, primary & secondary cummulative for 2017 tab delimited data: United States - 3 12 154 156 19 56 256 3,779 5,410 126 611 690 23,738 24,611 New England - 0 0 - - - 1 4 36 64 2 16 31 600 696 Connecticut - 0 0 - - - 0 1 - 6 - 1 9 U 92 Maine - 0 0 - - - 0 2 7 2 - 1 4 55 50 Massachusetts - 0 0 - - - 0 3 17 35 - 11 15 417 457 New Hampshire - 0 0 - - - 0 1 6 8 2 1 4 49 40 Rhode Island - 0 0 - - - 0 2 3 11 - 1 12 75 47 Vermont - 0 0 - - - 0 1 3 2 - 0 1 4 10 Middle Atlantic - 0 3 12 3 - 3 12 168 176 25 72 93 2,906 2,930 New Jersey - 0 1 2 2 - 1 9 106 122 - 8 16 320 411 New York (excluding New York City) - 0 1 3 1 - 0 6 23 25 17 12 39 501 416 New York City - 0 0 - - - 0 3 8 2 5 35 65 1,478 1,472 Pennsylvania - 0 2 7 - - 0 5 31 27 3 15 25 607 631 East North Central - 0 2 13 4 2 3 24 253 265 4 52 80 2,009 2,439 Illinois - 0 1 4 1 - 2 10 126 119 - 20 32 761 966 Indiana - 0 1 2 2 - 1 6 61 87 2 7 15 287 258 Michigan - 0 1 3 - - 0 2 11 10 - 8 16 311 374 Ohio - 0 1 2 1 2 1 5 34 27 1 12 32 544 699 Wisconsin - 0 1 2 - - 0 3 21 22 1 3 6 106 142 West North Central - 0 4 31 15 3 6 58 731 823 4 24 38 1,031 937 Iowa - 0 0 - - - 0 1 - 14 - 1 5 59 84 Kansas - 0 1 3 2 - 1 15 133 208 - 2 7 92 106 Minnesota - 0 0 - - - 0 1 - 12 - 5 9 193 240 Missouri - 0 3 20 9 3 5 47 556 547 4 13 23 556 409 Nebraska - 0 1 2 2 - 0 6 35 20 - 2 6 78 34 North Dakota - 0 1 6 - - 0 1 6 13 - 1 4 33 32 South Dakota - 0 0 - 2 - 0 2 1 9 - 0 2 20 32 South Atlantic - 1 8 63 80 - 13 61 829 956 25 131 172 5,171 5,444 Delaware - 0 0 - 2 - 1 6 48 36 - 0 3 14 44 District of Columbia - 0 1 1 1 - 0 1 1 3 - 2 10 71 223 Florida - 0 1 2 2 - 0 3 30 18 10 53 71 2,173 1,895 Georgia - 0 6 27 63 - 0 0 - - 1 28 43 1,038 1,153 Maryland - 0 3 19 - - 1 6 90 56 - 11 23 428 432 North Carolina - 0 2 10 6 - 4 25 358 481 - 19 34 759 945 South Carolina - 0 1 3 3 - 1 4 41 82 - 7 15 273 287 Virginia - 0 1 1 2 - 4 26 257 268 14 8 22 388 420 West Virginia - 0 0 - 1 - 0 1 4 12 - 1 5 27 45 East South Central - 0 2 12 13 3 15 81 1,197 1,742 2 27 44 988 1,179 Alabama - 0 2 5 6 - 9 36 556 605 - 6 14 227 343 Kentucky - 0 1 2 1 - 0 5 41 233 - 4 16 150 179 Mississippi - 0 0 - - - 1 9 104 161 - 6 16 248 258 Tennessee - 0 1 5 6 3 5 49 496 743 2 9 18 363 399 West South Central - 0 11 3 14 11 10 219 491 1,323 48 69 104 2,900 2,859 Arkansas - 0 0 - 6 11 7 48 445 1,110 - 5 11 198 175 Louisiana - 0 0 - - - 0 2 10 22 - 11 23 438 566 Oklahoma - 0 11 3 5 - 0 195 36 113 - 4 11 155 304 Texas - 0 0 - 3 - 0 6 - 78 48 49 72 2,109 1,814 Mountain - 0 3 19 26 - 1 5 54 48 1 46 63 1,762 1,744 Arizona - 0 2 16 21 - 0 3 28 8 1 19 29 705 735 Colorado - 0 0 - 1 - 0 0 - 9 - 5 14 207 227 Idaho - 0 1 1 1 - 0 1 8 2 - 1 4 32 48 Montana - 0 1 1 2 - 0 2 7 9 - 1 5 41 39 Nevada - 0 0 - - - 0 1 2 2 - 12 21 492 446 New Mexico - 0 0 - - - 0 1 3 3 - 5 12 208 156 Utah - 0 1 1 - - 0 1 6 10 - 1 7 62 91 Wyoming - 0 0 - 1 - 0 0 - 5 - 0 2 15 2 Pacific - 0 1 1 1 - 0 5 20 13 15 158 195 6,371 6,383 Alaska N 0 0 N N N 0 0 N N - 1 4 38 6 California - 0 1 1 - - 0 2 12 10 7 138 173 5,498 5,488 Hawaii N 0 0 N N N 0 0 N N - 0 2 19 80 Oregon - 0 0 - 1 - 0 2 7 3 2 12 31 532 267 Washington - 0 0 - - - 0 5 1 - 6 8 22 284 542 American Samoa N 0 0 N N N 0 0 N N - 0 0 - - Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Guam N 0 0 N N N 0 0 N N - 0 0 - - Puerto Rico N 0 0 N N N 0 0 N N 2 8 13 281 347 U.S. Virgin Islands - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - U: Unavailable - The data are unavailable. -: No reported cases - The reporting jurisdiction did not submit any cases to CDC. N: Not reportable - The disease or condition was not reportable by law, statute, or regulation in the reporting jurisdiction. NN: Not nationally notifiable - This condition was not designated as being nationally notifiable. NP: Nationally notifiable but not published - CDC does not have data because of changes in how conditions are categorized. Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts. Median - Median case count during the previous 52 weeks. Maximum - Maximum case count during the previous 52 weeks. * Case counts for reporting year 2018 are provisional and subject to change. Notes: These are weekly cases of selected infectious national notifiable diseases, from the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS). NNDSS data reported by the 50 states, New York City, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories are collated and published weekly as numbered tables. Cases reported by state health departments to CDC for weekly publication are subject to ongoing revision of information and delayed reporting. Therefore, numbers listed in later weeks may reflect changes made to these counts as additional information becomes available. Case counts in the tables are presented as published each week. See also, Guide to Interpreting Provisional and Finalized NNDSS Data. Weekly tables since 1996 are available on, CDC WONDER. Weekly tables since 2014 are available on, Weekly tables for 1952-2017 published in the MMWR are available at, CDC Stacks MMWR, and weekly tables starting in 2018 are available at, CDC Stacks NNDSS (once in CDC Stacks NNDSS select "Weekly Tables" in the "Genre" box at the left). Notices, errata, and other notes are available in the, Notice To Data Users page. The list of national notifiable infectious diseases and conditions and their national surveillance case definitions are available at, This list incorporates the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) position statements approved by CSTE for national surveillance. Suggested Citation: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System, Weekly Tables of Infectious Disease Data. Atlanta, GA. CDC Division of Health Informatics and Surveillance. Available at:,, National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System Provided by, CDC WONDER