Nationally Notifiable Infectious Diseases and Conditions, United States: Weekly Tables

TABLE 1i. Weekly cases* of notifiable diseases, United States, U.S. Territories, and Non-U.S. Residents week ending December 5, 2020 (Week 49)
Reporting Area Cryptosporidiosis Cyclosporiasis
Current weekPrevious 52 weeks Max †Cum YTD 2020 †Cum YTD 2019 †Current weekPrevious 52 weeks Max †Cum YTD 2020 †Cum YTD 2019 †
U.S. Residents, excluding U.S. Territories 18 629 5,381 12,914 11 239 2,107 4,633
New England 2 20 304 515 - 5 37 358
Connecticut - 4 28 77 - 2 7 103
Maine - 4 53 69 - 0 - -
Massachusetts 2 6 111 220 - 4 23 210
New Hampshire - 3 35 62 - 2 3 9
Rhode Island - 3 21 61 - 1 4 30
Vermont - 11 56 26 - 0 - 6
Middle Atlantic 3 45 786 1,607 - 34 244 758
New Jersey - 6 63 283 - 19 66 263
New York (excluding New York City) 3 31 352 457 - 10 60 303
New York City - 13 123 379 - 17 118 192
Pennsylvania - 13 248 488 N NC N N
East North Central 2 43 967 2,478 - 109 434 571
Illinois - 11 198 398 - 95 306 164
Indiana - 8 10 304 - 1 - 30
Michigan - 11 38 405 - 0 - 127
Ohio - 19 310 657 - 14 55 141
Wisconsin 2 24 411 714 - 17 73 109
West North Central 2 30 685 1,909 - 116 516 388
Iowa - 17 295 534 - 103 258 121
Kansas 1 4 48 137 - 6 33 23
Minnesota - 8 - 468 - 0 - 137
Missouri - 13 171 387 - 37 136 61
Nebraska - 7 103 183 - 30 88 36
North Dakota 1 2 22 36 N NC N N
South Dakota - 5 46 164 - 1 1 10
South Atlantic 2 57 951 2,069 1 35 223 1,174
Delaware - 3 21 39 - 1 1 5
District of Columbia - 2 9 30 - 0 - 37
Florida - 14 182 622 - 16 68 537
Georgia - 15 283 352 - 18 97 77
Maryland - 6 58 101 - 3 16 219
North Carolina - 9 143 271 - 0 - 76
South Carolina 1 4 81 102 1 3 14 23
Virginia 1 31 153 478 - 12 26 196
West Virginia - 5 21 74 - 1 1 4
East South Central 1 18 363 877 - 15 74 72
Alabama - 8 113 215 - 1 3 5
Kentucky 1 8 89 337 - 5 16 1
Mississippi - 3 18 92 N NC N N
Tennessee - 10 143 233 - 11 55 66
West South Central 4 239 465 1,555 10 59 512 1,139
Arkansas 1 5 54 133 - 2 11 34
Louisiana - 7 72 343 - 16 35 100
Oklahoma 3 36 75 150 N NC N N
Texas - 195 264 929 10 53 466 1,005
Mountain - 21 396 946 - 9 56 118
Arizona - 5 77 140 - 2 3 17
Colorado - 7 110 265 - 6 35 56
Idaho - 3 9 126 N NC N N
Montana - 3 39 69 - 1 1 2
Nevada - 3 11 49 N NC N N
New Mexico - 3 29 81 - 1 4 16
Utah - 6 111 194 - 3 12 22
Wyoming - 1 10 22 - 1 1 5
Pacific 2 246 464 958 - 17 11 55
Alaska - 2 6 11 - 1 2 -
California 2 21 233 693 - 2 9 50
Hawaii - 1 3 9 - 0 - -
Oregon - 6 87 245 - 0 - 5
Washington - 232 135 - - 17 - -
U.S. Territories - 0 - - - 0 - -
American Samoa N NC N N N NC N N
Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands - 0 - - - 0 - -
Guam - 0 - - - 0 - -
Puerto Rico - 0 - - - 0 - -
U.S. Virgin Islands - 0 - - - 0 - -
Non-U.S. Residents - 0 - 3 - 0 - -
Total 18 629 5,381 12,917 11 239 2,107 4,633
  • U: Unavailable — The reporting jurisdiction was unable to send the data to CDC or CDC was unable to process the data.
  • -: No reported cases — The reporting jurisdiction did not submit any cases to CDC.
  • N: Not reportable — The disease or condition was not reportable by law, statute, or regulation in the reporting jurisdiction.
  • NN: Not nationally notifiable — This condition was not designated as being nationally notifiable.
  • NP: Nationally notifiable but not published.
  • NC: Not calculated — There is insufficient data available to support the calculation of this statistic.
  • Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts.
  • Max: Maximum — Maximum case count during the previous 52 weeks.
  • * Case counts for reporting year 2020 are provisional and subject to change. Cases are assigned to the reporting jurisdiction submitting the case to NNDSS, if the case's country of usual residence is the U.S., a U.S. territory, unknown, or null (i.e. country not reported); otherwise, the case is assigned to the 'Non-U.S. Residents' category. Country of usual residence is currently not reported by all jurisdictions or for all conditions. For further information on interpretation of these data, see
  • †Previous 52 week maximum and cumulative YTD are determined from periods of time when the condition was reportable in the jurisdiction (i.e., may be less than 52 weeks of data or incomplete YTD data).