Weekly cases* of notifiable diseases, United States, U.S. Territories, and Non-U.S. Residents week ending March 23, 2024 (Week 12) column labels (in same order that data fields appears in each record below): Reporting Area Chlamydia trachomatis infection §; Current week Chlamydia trachomatis infection §; Previous 52 weeks Max + Chlamydia trachomatis infection §; Cum YTD 2024 + Chlamydia trachomatis infection §; Cum YTD 2023 + tab delimited data: U.S. Residents, excluding U.S. Territories 14,503 32,185 288,808 373,006 New England 522 898 8,741 10,581 Connecticut - 82 - 1,155 Maine 51 80 672 659 Massachusetts 450 644 6,448 6,762 New Hampshire 3 79 466 618 Rhode Island - 227 847 1,069 Vermont 18 36 308 318 Middle Atlantic 2,269 4,305 40,284 46,077 New Jersey - 787 5,985 8,351 New York (excluding New York City) 835 1,290 8,925 8,958 New York City 571 1,560 13,112 15,684 Pennsylvania 863 1,211 12,262 13,084 East North Central 1,852 4,463 36,536 52,189 Illinois 113 1,447 6,002 17,116 Indiana 419 882 7,071 7,764 Michigan 294 836 6,465 8,164 Ohio 650 1,213 11,534 13,254 Wisconsin 376 531 5,464 5,891 West North Central 936 2,074 18,025 23,073 Iowa 186 315 2,641 3,249 Kansas 94 304 1,092 3,215 Minnesota 110 479 4,537 5,204 Missouri 431 746 6,742 7,326 Nebraska - 247 1,341 2,068 North Dakota 65 87 737 825 South Dakota 50 118 935 1,186 South Atlantic 3,399 10,139 61,551 80,347 Delaware - 227 1,124 1,417 District of Columbia 49 198 1,561 1,963 Florida 1,723 6,906 24,523 24,531 Georgia - 1,531 7,769 17,664 Maryland U NC U U North Carolina 7 1,377 8,979 16,029 South Carolina 663 822 7,429 7,712 Virginia 915 934 9,223 10,023 West Virginia 42 115 943 1,008 East South Central 1,227 2,385 13,609 25,345 Alabama 641 834 7,780 7,924 Kentucky 483 546 3,597 3,605 Mississippi 103 1,001 2,232 5,165 Tennessee - 1,056 - 8,651 West South Central 910 4,716 40,537 52,992 Arkansas 163 413 3,251 4,400 Louisiana 341 885 7,081 8,651 Oklahoma 54 393 2,082 4,507 Texas 352 3,259 28,123 35,434 Mountain 774 2,667 22,401 27,215 Arizona 449 892 7,949 9,356 Colorado - 856 5,455 5,741 Idaho 32 145 1,184 1,359 Montana 33 98 741 880 Nevada 16 374 2,810 4,377 New Mexico 17 255 1,490 2,511 Utah 211 255 2,425 2,590 Wyoming 16 51 347 401 Pacific 2,614 4,909 47,124 55,187 Alaska 74 129 1,159 1,206 California 1,898 3,928 38,183 45,472 Hawaii - 0 - - Oregon 286 383 3,320 3,570 Washington 356 571 4,462 4,939 U.S. Territories - 99 - 652 American Samoa - 0 - - Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands - 0 - - Guam - 0 - - Puerto Rico - 99 - 652 U.S. Virgin Islands - 0 - - Non-U.S. Residents 1 3 5 18 Total 14,504 32,186 288,813 373,676 U: Unavailable - The reporting jurisdiction was unable to send the data to CDC or CDC was unable to process the data. -: No reported cases - The reporting jurisdiction did not submit any cases to CDC. N: Not reportable - The disease or condition was not reportable by law, statute, or regulation in the reporting jurisdiction. NN: Not nationally notifiable - This condition was not designated as being nationally notifiable. NP: Nationally notifiable but not published. NC: Not calculated - There is insufficient data available to support the calculation of this statistic. Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts. * Case counts for reporting years 2023 and 2024 are provisional and subject to change. For further information on interpretation of these data, see https://www.cdc.gov/nndss/data-statistics/readers-guides/ § Beginning in January 2022, only confirmed cases are published to align with the approved CSTE position statement 21-ID-06, whereas in previous years, all case classification statuses were published. This change may cause a decrease in published case counts when compared to previous years.