Weekly cases* of notifiable diseases, United States, U.S. Territories, and Non-U.S. Residents week ending December 28, 2024 (Week 52) column labels (in same order that data fields appears in each record below): Reporting Area Gonorrhea §; Current week Gonorrhea §; Previous 52 weeks Max + Gonorrhea §; Cum YTD 2024 + Gonorrhea §; Cum YTD 2023 + tab delimited data: U.S. Residents, excluding U.S. Territories 3,328 12,471 494,259 601,262 New England 116 450 13,736 16,977 Connecticut 27 85 2,555 4,098 Maine - 25 594 620 Massachusetts 67 218 8,596 9,786 New Hampshire - 23 525 588 Rhode Island 20 212 1,285 1,665 Vermont 2 10 181 220 Middle Atlantic 421 1,573 67,925 74,994 New Jersey 107 236 9,283 10,134 New York (excluding New York City) 177 304 12,235 13,552 New York City - 758 28,852 32,550 Pennsylvania 137 416 17,555 18,758 East North Central 256 1,583 59,723 77,344 Illinois 15 510 15,965 25,387 Indiana 65 217 8,249 9,881 Michigan 22 319 12,238 15,274 Ohio 139 398 16,856 19,795 Wisconsin 15 170 6,415 7,007 West North Central 207 649 28,034 33,979 Iowa 32 83 3,161 3,747 Kansas 23 90 3,015 4,234 Minnesota 26 182 7,074 7,717 Missouri 126 260 10,297 12,513 Nebraska - 64 1,910 2,285 North Dakota - 25 767 1,154 South Dakota - 56 1,810 2,329 South Atlantic 1,137 4,682 131,800 150,262 Delaware - 40 1,388 1,567 District of Columbia 9 140 5,549 5,794 Florida 445 2,715 41,166 46,726 Georgia 233 643 27,330 30,307 Maryland 133 304 10,855 12,802 North Carolina - 514 20,129 26,353 South Carolina 130 290 11,224 11,950 Virginia 183 314 13,490 13,795 West Virginia 4 27 669 968 East South Central 172 616 18,226 38,324 Alabama 99 230 8,766 11,584 Kentucky 50 223 4,760 6,072 Mississippi 23 294 4,700 7,382 Tennessee - 162 - 13,286 West South Central 151 1,534 67,305 79,822 Arkansas 21 146 5,042 5,932 Louisiana 68 254 10,453 13,192 Oklahoma 12 94 3,965 6,905 Texas 50 1,126 47,845 53,793 Mountain 128 696 30,267 36,302 Arizona 8 292 12,337 14,172 Colorado 81 189 6,208 7,563 Idaho 4 27 662 777 Montana 3 28 739 767 Nevada - 155 5,292 6,538 New Mexico 12 73 2,679 3,574 Utah 20 62 2,163 2,664 Wyoming - 9 187 247 Pacific 740 1,827 77,243 93,258 Alaska 26 55 2,047 2,280 California 499 1,453 62,035 74,071 Hawaii - 21 - 1,818 Oregon 55 133 4,417 4,960 Washington 160 312 8,744 10,129 U.S. Territories - 16 37 1,187 American Samoa - 0 - - Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands - 0 - - Guam - 0 - - Puerto Rico - 16 37 1,187 U.S. Virgin Islands - 0 - - Non-U.S. Residents 1 2 19 25 Total 3,329 12,476 494,315 602,474 U: Unavailable - The reporting jurisdiction was unable to send the data to CDC or CDC was unable to process the data. -: No reported cases - The reporting jurisdiction did not submit any cases to CDC. N: Not reportable - The disease or condition was not reportable by law, statute, or regulation in the reporting jurisdiction. NN: Not nationally notifiable - This condition was not designated as being nationally notifiable. NP: Nationally notifiable but not published. NC: Not calculated - There is insufficient data available to support the calculation of this statistic. Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts. * Case counts for reporting year 2024 are provisional and subject to change. For further information on interpretation of these data, see https://www.cdc.gov/nndss/data-statistics/readers-guides/ § Beginning in January 2023, confirmed and probable cases only are being published to align with the approved CSTE position statement 22-ID-03, whereas in previous years, all case classification statuses were published. This change may cause a decrease in published case counts when compared to previous years.