Table 3B. Chlamydia - Reported rates per 100,000 population by age, gender, and race/ethnicity: United States, 1996 ==================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 1996 | 1996 | Total White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic | Age Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander American Indian/Alaska Native Age --------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- | Age -------------------------- ------------------------- ----------------------------- Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female | Group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10-14 64.8 6.2 126.4 27.4 1.8 54.5 261.7 26.7 503.8 | 10-14 72.6 8.2 139.8 21.1 5.1 37.6 116.6 17.3 217.8 15-19 1,132.5 246.0 2,068.6 578.6 88.7 1,100.2 3,914.1 1,025.7 6,894.0 | 15-19 1,331.3 310.9 2,399.2 391.6 84.9 707.1 2,196.8 547.8 3,880.2 20-24 882.4 303.7 1,485.2 450.4 131.8 780.7 2,926.7 1,208.8 4,613.2 | 20-24 1,220.8 382.0 2,170.6 395.0 119.0 671.1 1,977.8 611.7 3,404.5 25-29 338.6 149.1 530.8 156.7 65.7 247.9 1,178.8 629.3 1,683.0 | 25-29 537.5 187.2 950.9 190.0 68.7 303.2 967.6 376.3 1,572.7 30-34 119.7 62.8 176.7 50.8 26.7 74.9 436.1 284.5 570.7 | 30-34 232.5 89.0 393.7 86.7 39.2 130.9 453.1 207.0 691.9 35-39 56.1 31.5 80.6 25.0 13.9 36.2 206.3 143.8 262.0 | 35-39 113.5 49.6 182.1 47.2 21.0 70.9 246.5 79.4 404.6 40-44 27.4 17.2 37.4 12.0 7.2 16.9 107.0 82.2 128.7 | 40-44 60.1 31.5 89.4 24.3 17.1 30.4 129.3 50.8 201.5 45-54 11.2 8.3 14.1 5.3 3.9 6.7 49.0 47.3 50.5 | 45-54 26.1 13.7 38.0 12.1 6.8 16.6 52.0 14.6 86.6 55-64 3.3 3.2 3.4 1.6 1.4 1.8 13.9 18.4 10.4 | 55-64 8.0 6.4 9.4 2.8 2.4 3.2 24.0 14.4 32.5 65+ 1.9 1.1 2.4 0.9 0.7 1.1 8.1 4.2 10.6 | 65+ 8.7 2.9 12.9 2.0 2.4 1.7 9.5 6.2 12.0 TOTAL 186.6 62.1 306.1 86.0 24.2 145.1 754.3 295.0 1,171.4 | TOTAL 315.8 98.1 541.4 95.0 30.8 154.7 519.1 164.0 862.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: In most instances, if age or race/ethnicity was not specified, cases were prorated according to the distribution of cases for which these vari- ables were specified. For 1996 the states/areas listed did not report race/ethnicity for most cases and were excluded: Colorado, Georgia, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, and South Carolina. Cases and population denominators have been excluded for these states/areas. Cases and rates for the 0 to 9 year age group are not shown because some of these may not be due to sexual transmission; however, they are included in the totals. ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================
This page last reviewed: Monday, February 01, 2016
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