OTIS TB Data 1993-2022, Archive Request

Online Tuberculosis Information SystemDataset Documentation Other Data AccessData Use RestrictionsHow to Use WONDER
Make all desired selections and then click any Send button one time to send your request.
1. Organize table layout:Help
To make Group Results By selections for age, state, MSA, race, or occupation be sure the matching button is selected where found below.
Measures(Default measures always checked and included. Check box to include any others.)

  • Rates are only allowed for Year, Age Groups, Sex, Bridged Race/Ethnicity, State.
    Additional measure "Population" (denominator) is automatically provided in Results.

  • Formula for this measure is "Cases that Completed Therapy within a Year of Diagnosis" divided by "Cases Eligible for Completion for Therapy" displayed as a percent. Formula components are automatically provided in Results.
  • Additional measure "Cases with Initial Susceptibility Testing Done" (denominator) is automatically provided in Results.
  • Additional measure "Cases with Initial Susceptibility Testing Done" (denominator) is automatically provided in Results.
2. Select location and years:Help
Hint: Use Ctrl + Click for multiple selections, or Shift + Click for a range.
Other Notes:
Year selection can be "All Years" alone, "2018-2022" alone, or any combination of individual years.
3. Select demographics:Help
Note: If location is not "The United States", information about the variables in this section is only available when Year selections are any combination of 5 or more years.  More information.

Pick between:

Pick between:

Hint: Use Ctrl + Click for multiple selections, or Shift + Click for a range.
4. Select risk factors:Help
Note: If location is not "The United States", information about the variables in this section is only available when Year selections are any combination of 5 or more years.  More information.
Hint: Use Ctrl + Click for multiple selections, or Shift + Click for a range.
5. Select disease criteria:Help
Hint: Use Ctrl + Click for multiple selections, or Shift + Click for a range.
6. Select therapy issues:Help
Hint: Use Ctrl + Click for multiple selections, or Shift + Click for a range.
7. Other options:Help
(Check box to download results to a file)
decimal places
Content source: CDC WONDER