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Baseline revisions

For various reasons, some of the Healthy People 2010 baseline data published in November 2000 in Healthy People 2010: Objectives for Improving Health, have been revised.  There were six possible reasons for NCHS to make changes to previously published baseline figures.

      Revised methodology: Modifications to specific algorithms Revised methodology: Modifications to the specific algorithms used to generate the baseline data were necessary for some objectives.

      Data for demographic groups updated to the same year as the main objective Updated to objective baseline year:  Data for demographic groups in the data templates for population-based objectives that were from an earlier year than the baseline for the main objective have been updated to the same data year as the main objective.

      Designations of DNA or Did not analyze data have been changed for newly collected data Data previously not analyzed:  The data templates for some population-based objectives did not contain data for the some of the subpopulation categories although the data had been collected. The data have now been analyzed and the designations of "DNA" (for "data not analyzed") have been replaced.

      data entry errors amended for some objectives Data entry error:  Data for a few objectives were changed because the original figures were transcribed incorrectly from the source documents.

      Preliminary data updated with final data files Published based on preliminary analysis:  Baseline figures based on preliminary analysis from less-than-final data files have been updated using the final data files.

      Potential sources for developmental objectives updated New data source:  Potential sources for developmental objectives were updated to reflect more current information.

A listing of cumulative changes to the published baselines made since the November 2000 publication of Healthy People 2010 is available.

To access this listing, you must select the following option when creating an output data table:

    How to include advanced options in the table "Include advanced options in the table"

After the table has been created, the baseline revisions can be accessed by two ways:

If the table includes baseline revisions, click the footnote line If the table includes baseline revisions (i.e. the table contains the footnote line "a\Baseline has been revised (click here to see baseline revisions)", simply click on the footnote line.
Under Advanced options select Baseline revisions then click Submit Under "Advanced options" select - "Baseline revisions" then click "Submit".

Click here to access the baseline revision listing now

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This page last reviewed: Thursday, October 31, 2019