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Below are basic terms
used in DATA2010:
Baseline data: The number, percent, or rate calculated for the
Baseline year(s).
Baseline year(s): First year of tracking data. This can
be a single year or multiple years.
Dataline: A record or observation of information pertaining to a
specific population group (e.g., total population, American Indian or
Alaska Native, Asian, female, male). Each Dataline contains a
'Baseline year', 'Baseline data', 'Subsequent year data', and a
Focus area: A specific area of health information or awareness
which is tracked by the Healthy People 2010 initiative. There
are currently 28 focus areas tracked by Healthy People 2010.
Healthy People 2010 focus areas:
- Access to Quality Health Services
- Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions
- Cancer
- Chronic Kidney Disease
- Diabetes
- Disability and Secondary Conditions
- Educational and Community-Based Programs
- Environmental Health
- Family Planning
- Food Safety
- Health Communication
- Heart Disease and Stroke
- Immunization and Infectious Diseases
- Injury and Violence Prevention
- Maternal, Infant, and Child Health
- Medical Product Safety
- Mental Health and Mental Disorders
- Nutrition and Overweight
- Occupational Safety and Health
- Oral Health
- Physical Activity and Fitness
- Public Health Infrastructure
- Respiratory Diseases
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases
- Substance Abuse
- Tobacco Use
- Vision and Hearing
Leading Health Indicators (LHI): A selected set of objectives
that represent the overall progress toward improving the health of the
Nation. Each indicator exists as an objective in one or more
of the 28 Focus areas.
Objective: A statement of intent within a focus area that
includes baseline data and a target. Objectives are numbered
sequentially within each focus area.
Sub-objective: A subpart of an objective denoted with a lower-case letter (e.g.,
14-29a, 27-05b, etc.).
Target: The proposed goal for each health measure, to be reached by the year 2010.
Tracking years: This is any year that data (number, percent,
or rate) are provided to measure the status of the objective. It
includes the baseline, but excludes the target.