X | Data by data source This option allows the
user to generate tables that include data on all objectives for
a single data source.
Data for all select populations will be displayed with the
objectives, as appropriate. If data are not available for a specific data cell, one of four entries is shown in the table. DNA indicates that data are available, but they have not been analyzed. DNC indicated that these data are not collected by the data source listed. DSU means that the data are statistically unreliable. This situation occurs when a value can be produced from the data source, but the number of respondents is too small to be valid, the proportion of respondents with missing information is too large, or the survey does not have representative data for certain population groups. NA indicates that the table cell is not applicable for the objective. If an asterisk (*) appears in front of the data source, then there is State data available for at least one objective measure belonging to that data source. If a carat sign (^) appears in front of the data source, then there has been at least one objective measure added with that data source since the Healthy People 2010 development.