The 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System has been retired. Starting Week 40 of 2016 mortality data from the National Center for Health Statistics Mortality Surveillance System can be found here.

Archive TABLE III. Deaths in 122 U.S. Cities

(Data are available from Week 01, 1996 through Week 39, 2016)

NNDSS Weekly Tables

These are data from the CDC 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System as printed in Table III of the MMWR each week. More information.

*** Partial counts for this city.

* When "All Reporting Areas" is selected for location, the results will provide data for the specific MMWR week chosen from the drop-down list. For all other location choices, the results will list data from all weeks for the selected year for that location (ignoring any week choice made).

122 CMRS Archive powered by CDC WONDER