TABLE IV. Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States,
quarter ending July 1, 2006 (26 WEEK)

AIDS* HIV/AIDS* Tuberculosis
Previous 4 quarters Cum
Previous 4 quarters Cum
Previous 4 quarters Cum
Min Max Min Max Min Max
 UNITED STATES 10,200** 9,886 11,014 20,086 20,473 20,896** 14,939 20,896 35,835 31,669 2,478 2,478 3,589 4,967 6,234
 NEW ENGLAND 319 273 451 592 743 904 385 904 1,289 2,471 74 61 167 135 181
 Conn. 89 61 250 150 301 242 161 496 403 1,617 10 10 35 29 39
 Maine † 31 3 31 54 11 449 3 449 472 15 3 3 5 6 8
 Mass. † 160 121 181 281 341 170 128 188 298 369 53 32 113 85 102
 N.H. 14 6 19 33 19 19 8 26 45 398 5 0 5 7 3
 R.I. † 20 2 44 64 68 22 2 43 65 69 3 3 12 6 27
 Vt. † 2 0 4 6 3 2 0 4 6 3 - 0 3 2 2
 MID. ATLANTIC 3,144 1,223 3,144 4,367 4,250 3,890 2,551 4,347 6,441 6,281 501 467 605 968 981
 N.J. 573 60 573 633 576 772 202 772 974 1,012 122 91 124 213 241
 N.Y. (Upstate) 1,101 73 1,101 1,174 850 780 98 1,029 878 943 63 50 110 113 124
 N.Y. City 901 901 1,319 1,813 2,173 1,420 1,356 1,740 2,776 3,374 259 223 269 501 492
 Pa. 395 176 562 571 650 918 878 1,095 1,813 952 57 57 102 141 124
 E.N. CENTRAL 948 892 1,189 1,840 1,879 2,936 1,221 2,936 4,157 2,461 282 219 371 501 636
 Ill. † 453 241 525 694 945 2,078 272 2,078 2,350 978 120 91 153 211 300
 Ind. 107 73 111 201 225 188 125 188 317 297 39 28 40 67 68
 Mich. 163 118 382 361 322 229 90 483 473 489 44 30 93 74 102
 Ohio 191 191 277 462 303 377 377 403 780 571 68 51 83 122 126
 Wis. 34 5 88 122 83 64 4 173 237 126 11 11 19 27 40
 W.N. CENTRAL 318 203 318 534 463 397 346 399 784 757 122 91 142 213 234
 Iowa 23 19 23 42 50 23 21 50 55 56 5 5 19 14 23
 Kans. 30 16 57 87 60 66 20 83 149 88 21 11 27 48 35
 Minn. 48 48 69 117 123 110 90 116 226 189 60 34 60 94 90
 Mo. 167 49 167 216 199 147 118 196 289 355 30 15 38 45 50
 Nebr. 42 14 42 61 16 39 6 51 45 38 6 1 13 7 27
 N. Dak. 2 0 4 2 5 2 1 2 3 6 - 0 4 - 2
 S. Dak. 6 3 6 9 10 10 4 10 17 25 - 0 5 5 7
 S. ATLANTIC 2,676 2,676 3,753 6,429 6,345 4,042 4,042 5,471 9,181 9,485 491 491 839 1,053 1,279
 Del. † 38 29 43 67 98 43 34 46 77 99 5 3 7 8 16
 D.C. † 187 6 267 454 466 195 9 273 468 490 19 10 19 37 28
 Fla. 1,049 1,049 1,547 2,596 2,626 1,653 1,653 2,095 3,748 4,015 170 170 354 393 459
 Ga. 381 381 695 848 1,049 847 847 2,228 1,716 2,156 40 40 132 161 286
 Md. † 388 229 559 882 807 386 233 559 872 803 47 47 79 126 137
 N.C. 230 113 554 784 522 356 356 890 1,246 903 88 57 126 145 101
 S.C. 205 122 207 412 353 210 142 267 432 442 33 7 58 40 106
 Va. 149 110 208 259 306 327 248 343 575 527 83 49 131 132 134
 W. Va. 16 15 24 39 35 25 22 27 47 50 6 5 7 11 12
 E.S. CENTRAL 398 398 488 848 1,065 704 686 779 1,432 1,582 126 126 211 252 358
 Ala. 102 100 137 217 281 169 169 182 351 354 44 44 52 96 120
 Ky. 51 51 69 104 128 145 145 190 295 359 23 13 43 36 56
 Miss. 91 55 102 179 230 167 110 167 304 302 - 0 36 - 37
 Tenn. 154 154 235 348 426 223 223 259 482 567 59 59 84 120 145
 W.S. CENTRAL 1,143 904 1,333 2,047 2,160 1,797 1,775 2,122 3,576 3,718 214 214 455 648 885
 Ark. 39 39 99 84 74 62 62 182 155 122 26 19 35 45 49
 La. 223 81 320 304 433 337 214 337 551 624 - 0 0 - -
 Okla. 42 42 63 87 166 64 54 101 118 201 26 26 55 81 71
 Tex. 839 663 963 1,572 1,487 1,334 1,263 1,588 2,752 2,771 162 162 392 522 765
 MOUNTAIN 357 357 397 739 769 689 611 689 1,300 1,186 118 61 193 179 247
 Ariz. 149 137 180 286 317 277 277 332 556 494 90 25 115 115 109
 Colo. 85 85 111 196 160 151 113 151 264 250 2 2 34 16 40
 Idaho 4 4 10 13 9 11 4 20 31 20 - 0 7 - 10
 Mont. † 0 0 12 0 4 4 0 12 4 6 - 0 2 - 6
 Nev. 77 60 80 157 176 159 90 159 277 256 5 5 32 13 56
 N. Mex. 27 25 42 57 69 46 34 53 90 94 9 7 19 16 13
 Utah 12 11 22 26 32 40 33 49 73 56 11 4 12 17 13
 Wyo. 2 1 3 3 2 1 1 4 5 10 1 0 1 2 -
 PACIFIC 688 688 1,571 2,259 2,260 4,483 1,177 4,483 5,964 2,149 550 468 851 1,018 1,433
 Alaska 17 3 17 27 14 21 9 21 31 21 10 10 19 29 30
 Calif. † 506 506 1,344 1,850 1,827 588 588 1,279 1,867 1,761 427 386 705 813 1,186
 Hawaii † 22 19 30 47 60 24 19 29 50 61 43 18 43 61 55
 Oreg. † 43 29 89 132 133 79 31 88 167 132 - 0 28 - 54
 Wash. † 97 97 139 200 226 3,771 78 3,771 3,849 174 70 45 77 115 108
 Amer. Samoa U 0 0 U U - 0 0 - - U 0 2 U U
 C.N.M.I. 2 0 2 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 - 0 0 - U
 Guam 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 - 0 14 - 41
 P.R. 196 196 280 415 529 513 478 755 1,006 1,344 62 17 62 79 53
 V.I. 9 0 9 12 10 17 0 17 18 13 - 0 0 - -
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C.N.M.I.: Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands.
U: Unavailable.    -: No reported cases.    N: Not notifiable.    Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts.    Min: Minimum.    Max: Maximum.
* AIDS and HIV/AIDS are not mutually exclusive. Persons with AIDS have met the case definition for AIDS regardless of whether they received an HIV diagnosis before the onset of AIDS. HIV/AIDS includes persons with an HIV infection and includes persons with a diagnosis of HIV infection only, a diagnosis of HIV and later developed AIDS, or concurrent diagnoses of HIV and AIDS. Updated quarterly from reports to the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention.
** Total for the United States includes cases without a reported area of residence at diagnosis.
† Methods other than confidential, name-based reporting for HIV diagnoses without AIDS are used in these areas.

National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS)

MMWR web application provided by CDC WONDER,

Content source: CDC WONDER