Nationally Notifiable Infectious Diseases and Conditions, United States: Weekly Tables

TABLE 1m. Weekly cases* of notifiable diseases, United States, U.S. Territories, and Non-U.S. Residents week ending December 12, 2020 (Week 50)
Reporting Area Gonorrhea Haemophilus influenzae, invasive disease
All ages, all serotypes Age <5 years
Serotype b
Current weekPrevious 52 weeks Max †Cum YTD 2020 †Cum YTD 2019 †Current weekPrevious 52 weeks Max †Cum YTD 2020 †Cum YTD 2019 †Current weekPrevious 52 weeks Max †Cum YTD 2020 †Cum YTD 2019 †
U.S. Residents, excluding U.S. Territories 5,006 13,409 524,014 591,977 10 232 2,417 5,781 - 2 10 18
New England 7 357 10,000 13,832 - 11 110 278 - 0 - -
Connecticut 3 121 3,005 4,258 - 3 20 54 - 0 - -
Maine - 27 459 504 - 3 6 34 - 0 - -
Massachusetts - 202 5,131 7,096 - 7 49 112 - 0 - -
New Hampshire 4 22 407 398 - 2 16 35 - 0 - -
Rhode Island - 90 923 1,406 - 2 10 24 - 0 - -
Vermont - 8 75 170 - 2 9 19 - 0 - -
Middle Atlantic 1,082 1,689 63,928 63,641 4 29 375 807 - 2 2 4
New Jersey 78 249 7,845 9,254 - 5 44 149 - 0 - -
New York (excluding New York City) 446 613 15,427 11,119 3 21 131 230 - 2 2 2
New York City 223 710 23,415 27,894 - 9 66 136 - 0 - 2
Pennsylvania 335 543 17,241 15,374 1 14 134 292 - 0 - -
East North Central 315 2,145 82,175 90,575 1 38 384 1,104 - 1 3 6
Illinois 20 642 17,036 28,037 - 12 95 266 - 0 - -
Indiana 146 367 12,695 11,494 - 5 35 176 - 1 1 1
Michigan 93 590 17,486 17,400 1 13 72 207 - 1 1 -
Ohio - 757 27,177 25,134 - 15 146 340 - 1 1 3
Wisconsin 56 246 7,781 8,510 - 6 36 115 - 0 - 2
West North Central 83 909 27,222 39,088 - 13 113 454 - 0 - -
Iowa - 165 3,869 5,126 - 1 1 2 - 0 - -
Kansas 75 114 4,266 4,814 - 5 14 66 - 0 - -
Minnesota 5 265 8,969 7,694 - 2 1 118 - 0 - -
Missouri - 357 6,500 15,114 - 6 67 186 - 0 - -
Nebraska - 83 849 2,880 - 3 22 38 - 0 - -
North Dakota 3 50 992 1,375 - 1 5 18 - 0 - -
South Dakota - 67 1,777 2,085 - 2 3 26 - 0 - -
South Atlantic 2,090 3,088 125,974 127,213 1 46 569 1,291 - 1 1 1
Delaware 58 67 1,324 1,574 - 1 5 34 - 0 - -
District of Columbia - 122 3,425 4,225 - 1 6 15 - 0 - -
Florida 604 1,062 37,604 35,151 1 13 201 353 - 0 - -
Georgia 99 510 19,025 20,543 - 10 100 237 - 1 1 -
Maryland 126 264 10,508 11,192 - 6 59 131 - 0 - 1
North Carolina - 622 22,310 25,853 - 9 104 224 - 0 - -
South Carolina 407 441 15,851 13,673 - 6 12 112 - 0 - -
Virginia 787 346 14,207 13,342 - 9 57 145 - 0 - -
West Virginia 9 95 1,720 1,660 - 2 25 40 - 0 - -
East South Central - 1,481 31,809 47,325 - 24 196 483 - 1 2 2
Alabama - 366 6,881 13,807 - 7 52 127 - 1 1 -
Kentucky - 892 2,184 6,354 - 5 36 106 - 1 1 1
Mississippi - 330 6,823 11,636 - 4 27 69 - 0 - 1
Tennessee - 548 15,921 15,528 - 10 81 181 - 0 - -
West South Central 132 2,124 55,775 70,819 2 63 338 679 - 1 1 2
Arkansas - 209 5,993 6,650 - 8 39 101 - 0 - -
Louisiana 93 368 13,296 12,374 - 7 59 83 - 1 1 -
Oklahoma 39 1,220 6,865 9,083 - 6 79 101 - 0 - -
Texas - 1,028 29,621 42,712 2 48 161 394 - 0 - 2
Mountain 388 988 37,776 41,115 1 18 231 493 - 1 1 2
Arizona 118 384 14,536 14,670 - 8 84 165 - 0 - 1
Colorado 206 282 9,146 9,213 1 6 62 115 - 0 - -
Idaho - 44 1,274 1,432 - 2 4 36 - 0 - -
Montana - 55 1,541 1,534 - 2 11 25 - 0 - -
Nevada - 138 4,024 6,292 - 4 7 39 - 0 - 1
New Mexico 15 135 4,049 4,761 - 4 25 49 - 1 1 -
Utah 48 93 2,899 2,783 - 3 34 55 - 0 - -
Wyoming 1 13 307 430 - 1 4 9 - 0 - -
Pacific 909 2,271 89,355 98,369 1 25 101 192 - 0 - 1
Alaska - 59 1,714 2,114 - 3 10 30 - 0 - 1
California 722 1,952 75,322 77,521 - 5 41 44 - 0 - -
Hawaii - 36 - 1,429 - 2 12 34 - 0 - -
Oregon 69 226 5,568 5,854 - 6 33 84 - 0 - -
Washington 118 264 6,751 11,451 1 16 5 - - 0 - -
U.S. Territories - 6 4 490 - 1 - 7 - 0 - -
American Samoa - 0 - - - 0 - - - 0 - -
Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands - 0 - - - 0 - - - 0 - -
Guam - 0 - - - 1 - 7 - 0 - -
Puerto Rico - 6 4 490 - 0 - - - 0 - -
U.S. Virgin Islands - 0 - - N NC N N - 0 - -
Non-U.S. Residents - 1 2 - - 0 - - - 0 - -
Total 5,006 13,410 524,020 592,467 10 232 2,417 5,788 - 2 10 18
  • U: Unavailable — The reporting jurisdiction was unable to send the data to CDC or CDC was unable to process the data.
  • -: No reported cases — The reporting jurisdiction did not submit any cases to CDC.
  • N: Not reportable — The disease or condition was not reportable by law, statute, or regulation in the reporting jurisdiction.
  • NN: Not nationally notifiable — This condition was not designated as being nationally notifiable.
  • NP: Nationally notifiable but not published.
  • NC: Not calculated — There is insufficient data available to support the calculation of this statistic.
  • Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts.
  • Max: Maximum — Maximum case count during the previous 52 weeks.
  • * Case counts for reporting year 2020 are provisional and subject to change. Cases are assigned to the reporting jurisdiction submitting the case to NNDSS, if the case's country of usual residence is the U.S., a U.S. territory, unknown, or null (i.e. country not reported); otherwise, the case is assigned to the 'Non-U.S. Residents' category. Country of usual residence is currently not reported by all jurisdictions or for all conditions. For further information on interpretation of these data, see
  • †Previous 52 week maximum and cumulative YTD are determined from periods of time when the condition was reportable in the jurisdiction (i.e., may be less than 52 weeks of data or incomplete YTD data).