Nationally Notifiable Infectious Diseases and Conditions, United States: Weekly Tables

Weekly cases* of notifiable diseases, United States, U.S. Territories, and Non-U.S. Residents week ending August 24, 2024 (Week 34)
Reporting Area Chlamydia trachomatis infection §
Current weekPrevious 52 weeks Max †Cum YTD 2024 †Cum YTD 2023 †
U.S. Residents, excluding U.S. Territories 14,229 35,226 888,870 1,096,072
New England 163 1,172 23,920 35,388
Connecticut - 318 - 8,594
Maine 62 81 1,747 1,937
Massachusetts 1 647 17,226 18,846
New Hampshire - 76 1,384 1,855
Rhode Island 79 389 2,733 3,263
Vermont 21 33 830 893
Middle Atlantic 2,219 4,379 118,941 131,332
New Jersey 506 769 19,530 23,701
New York (excluding New York City) 768 957 25,408 27,727
New York City 292 1,565 40,453 43,998
Pennsylvania 653 1,168 33,550 35,906
East North Central 1,747 4,704 104,429 150,293
Illinois 38 1,456 18,384 46,477
Indiana 449 698 20,026 22,791
Michigan 256 1,020 18,928 27,929
Ohio 642 1,153 31,919 36,665
Wisconsin 362 533 15,172 16,431
West North Central 668 2,118 57,200 64,173
Iowa 136 313 7,672 9,083
Kansas 138 304 7,715 8,874
Minnesota 125 486 12,818 14,336
Missouri 41 718 18,915 20,313
Nebraska 119 225 5,407 6,025
North Dakota 54 87 1,978 2,259
South Dakota 55 118 2,695 3,283
South Atlantic 3,928 12,281 223,043 251,908
Delaware - 227 3,168 3,663
District of Columbia 71 191 4,359 5,612
Florida 1,559 6,934 71,203 74,422
Georgia 575 1,501 41,377 48,679
Maryland 478 1,016 19,896 23,601
North Carolina 1 1,435 34,269 43,814
South Carolina 711 820 21,510 21,883
Virginia 511 912 24,584 27,344
West Virginia 22 116 2,677 2,890
East South Central 860 2,748 39,097 72,061
Alabama 619 889 20,824 22,292
Kentucky 131 592 10,027 10,726
Mississippi 110 1,006 8,246 13,443
Tennessee - 905 - 25,600
West South Central 988 4,644 125,841 150,174
Arkansas 199 399 10,027 12,018
Louisiana 546 783 21,776 24,268
Oklahoma 56 422 6,903 13,078
Texas 187 3,260 87,135 100,810
Mountain 901 2,691 63,433 76,574
Arizona 422 899 24,758 27,101
Colorado - 857 13,939 16,981
Idaho 17 127 3,271 3,844
Montana 55 98 2,147 2,377
Nevada 210 357 7,165 10,313
New Mexico 2 245 4,668 7,453
Utah 195 255 6,564 7,276
Wyoming - 47 921 1,229
Pacific 2,755 5,049 132,966 164,169
Alaska 54 125 3,162 3,434
California 2,082 3,945 109,440 127,755
Hawaii - 146 - 4,157
Oregon 283 352 9,080 10,094
Washington 336 609 11,284 18,729
U.S. Territories - 135 667 3,382
American Samoa - 0 - -
Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands - 0 - -
Guam - 0 - -
Puerto Rico - 135 667 3,382
U.S. Virgin Islands - 0 - -
Non-U.S. Residents 1 3 19 37
Total 14,230 35,270 889,556 1,099,491
  • U: Unavailable — The reporting jurisdiction was unable to send the data to CDC or CDC was unable to process the data.
  • -: No reported cases — The reporting jurisdiction did not submit any cases to CDC.
  • N: Not reportable — The disease or condition was not reportable by law, statute, or regulation in the reporting jurisdiction.
  • NN: Not nationally notifiable — This condition was not designated as being nationally notifiable.
  • NP: Nationally notifiable but not published.
  • NC: Not calculated — There is insufficient data available to support the calculation of this statistic.
  • Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts.
  • * Case counts for reporting years 2023 and 2024 are provisional and subject to change. Cases are assigned to the reporting jurisdiction submitting the case to NNDSS, if the case's country of usual residence is the U.S., a U.S. territory, unknown, or null (i.e. country not reported); otherwise, the case is assigned to the 'Non-U.S. Residents' category. Country of usual residence is currently not reported by all jurisdictions or for all conditions. For further information on interpretation of these data, see
  • † Previous 52 week maximum and cumulative YTD are determined from periods of time when the condition was reportable in the jurisdiction (i.e., may be less than 52 weeks of data or incomplete YTD data).
  • § Beginning in January 2022, only confirmed cases are published to align with the approved CSTE position statement 21-ID-06, whereas in previous years, all case classification statuses were published. This change may cause a decrease in published case counts when compared to previous years.