Nationally Notifiable Infectious Diseases and Conditions, United States: Weekly Tables

Weekly cases* of notifiable diseases, United States, U.S. Territories, and Non-U.S. Residents week ending December 14, 2024 (Week 50)
Reporting Area Hepatitis B, chronic
Current weekPrevious 52 weeks Max †Cum YTD 2024 †Cum YTD 2023 †
U.S. Residents, excluding U.S. Territories 254 NC 15,077 NP
New England 23 NC 1,332 NP
Connecticut N NC N NP
Maine - NC 44 NP
Massachusetts 23 NC 1,169 NP
New Hampshire - NC 16 NP
Rhode Island - NC 101 NP
Vermont - NC 2 NP
Middle Atlantic 32 NC 2,109 NP
New Jersey - NC - NP
New York (excluding New York City) - NC 517 NP
New York City - NC - NP
Pennsylvania 32 NC 1,592 NP
East North Central 33 NC 2,417 NP
Illinois - NC 652 NP
Indiana - NC 188 NP
Michigan 3 NC 396 NP
Ohio 30 NC 1,181 NP
Wisconsin - NC - NP
West North Central 9 NC 1,061 NP
Iowa - NC 266 NP
Kansas 2 NC 72 NP
Minnesota - NC 199 NP
Missouri 3 NC 358 NP
Nebraska 4 NC 155 NP
North Dakota - NC 2 NP
South Dakota - NC 9 NP
South Atlantic 107 NC 4,653 NP
Delaware - NC 29 NP
District of Columbia - NC 48 NP
Florida 65 NC 2,525 NP
Georgia - NC - NP
Maryland 18 NC 809 NP
North Carolina - NC 155 NP
South Carolina - NC 139 NP
Virginia 24 NC 860 NP
West Virginia - NC 88 NP
East South Central 25 NC 628 NP
Alabama - NC - NP
Kentucky N NC N NP
Mississippi N NC N NP
Tennessee 25 NC 628 NP
West South Central 8 NC 1,096 NP
Arkansas U NC U NP
Louisiana 2 NC 906 NP
Oklahoma 6 NC 190 NP
Texas N NC N NP
Mountain 11 NC 1,494 NP
Arizona 11 NC 566 NP
Colorado - NC 229 NP
Idaho - NC 21 NP
Montana - NC 4 NP
Nevada - NC 629 NP
New Mexico - NC 45 NP
Utah - NC - NP
Wyoming - NC - NP
Pacific 6 NC 287 NP
Alaska - NC 38 NP
California - NC - NP
Hawaii U NC U NP
Oregon 6 NC 249 NP
Washington - NC - NP
U.S. Territories - NC 21 NP
American Samoa N NC N NP
Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands - NC - NP
Guam - NC 16 NP
Puerto Rico - NC 5 NP
U.S. Virgin Islands - NC - NP
Non-U.S. Residents - NC 4 NP
Total 254 NC 15,102 NP
  • U: Unavailable — The reporting jurisdiction was unable to send the data to CDC or CDC was unable to process the data.
  • -: No reported cases — The reporting jurisdiction did not submit any cases to CDC.
  • N: Not reportable — The disease or condition was not reportable by law, statute, or regulation in the reporting jurisdiction.
  • NN: Not nationally notifiable — This condition was not designated as being nationally notifiable.
  • NP: Nationally notifiable but not published.
  • NC: Not calculated — There is insufficient data available to support the calculation of this statistic.
  • Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts.
  • * Case counts for reporting years 2023 and 2024 are provisional and subject to change. Cases are assigned to the reporting jurisdiction submitting the case to NNDSS, if the case's country of usual residence is the U.S., a U.S. territory, unknown, or null (i.e. country not reported); otherwise, the case is assigned to the 'Non-U.S. Residents' category. Country of usual residence is currently not reported by all jurisdictions or for all conditions. For further information on interpretation of these data, see
  • † Previous 52 week maximum and cumulative YTD are determined from periods of time when the condition was reportable in the jurisdiction (i.e., may be less than 52 weeks of data or incomplete YTD data).