Fetal Deaths

Fetal Death Records Data Summary

2005 - 2022

Summary:    This data collection provides counts for fetal deaths at 20 weeks gestation or more, occurring within the United States to U.S. residents. Information are derived from Report of Fetal Death forms, both the 1989 revision of the U.S. Standard Report of Fetal Death (unrevised) and the 2003 revision of the U.S. Standard Report of Fetal Death (revised). Data are available by place: region and state of mother's residence; time: year and month of death; parental characteristics including mother's race and ethnicity, mother's age, mother's marital status, mother's weight gain during pregnancy, and father's age; fetal characteristics including gestational age, sex, weight at delivery, plurality, live and total birth order, delivery place, delivery method, use of forceps or vacuum, breech presentation, medical attendant; maternal risk factors including diabetes, chronic hypertension, pregnancy-associated hypertension and eclampsia; congenital anomalies of the fetus, including anencephalus, Spina Bifida / meningocele, omphalocele / gastroschisis, cleft lip / palate, and Downs syndrome.

Privacy polices:

Any use of these statistics implies consent to the following confidentiality restrictions:

  • Use these data for statistical reporting and analysis only.
  • Do not present or publish statistics representing nine or fewer births or deaths, including rates based on counts of nine or fewer births or deaths, in figures, graphs, maps, tables, etc. Statistics representing one through nine (1-9) births or deaths are suppressed on CDC WONDER.
  • Make no attempt to learn the identity of any person or establishment included in these data.
  • Make no disclosure or other use of the identity of any person or establishment discovered inadvertently and advise the Confidentiality Officer in the National Center for Health Statistics of any such discovery.
    Phone: 888-642-4159
    Email: nchsconfidentiality@cdc.gov
See Assurance of Confidentiality for more information.

Population:    United States fetal death data represent fetal deaths registered in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and New York City. The majority of states require reporting fetal deaths of 20 weeks of gestation or more, or 350 grams delivery weight (roughly equivalent to 20 weeks gestational age), or some combination of the two. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) receives these data as electronic files, prepared from individual records processed by each registration area, through the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program. Fetal death data for the U.S. are limited to events occurring within the United States to U.S. residents and nonresidents. Fetal deaths to nonresidents of the United States are excluded from all tabulations by place of residence. Fetal deaths occurring to U.S. citizens outside of the United States are not included.

United States Department of Health and Human Services (US DHHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Division of Vital Statistics (DVS). National Vital Statistics System, Fetal Death Records 2005-2022, on CDC WONDER Online Database. Data are compiled from data provided by the 57 vital statistics jurisdictions through the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program.

In WONDER:    You can produce tables, maps, charts, and data extracts. Request national and state summary counts of fetal deaths for the years 2005-2022. You can limit and index your data by any and all of these variables:

Maternal Residence
  • Location: Census Region, Census Division, HHS Region, and State (no territories) of mother's legal residence at the time of delivery. The "Expanded" lists break New York state into 2 areas: Upstate New York and New York City.
Maternal and Parental Characteristics:
  • Mother's Race: American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian or Pacific Islander; Black or African American; White; Not Reported.
  • Mother's Bridged Race/Hispanic Origin: Mexican; Puerto Rican; Cuban; Central or South American; Other and Unknown Hispanic; Non-Hispanic White; Non-Hispanic Black; Non-Hispanic other races; Origin unknown or not stated; Not Reported; Not Available. Mother's Bridged Race/Hispanic Origin data are available for years 2005-2018, and categorized as Not Available beginning in year 2019.
  • Mother's Hispanic Origin: Non-Hispanic; Mexican; Puerto Rican; Cuban; Central or South American; Other and Unknown Hispanic; Origin unknown or not stated; Not Reported.
  • Age of Mother is available in 3 age groups:
    • Age of Mother 9: Groups for under 15 years, and 5-year increments for 15 and older;
    • Age of Mother 10: Groups for under 15 years, 15-17 years, 18-19 years, and 5-year age increments for 20 years and older;
    • Age of Mother 13: Groups for under 15 years, single-year age categories for 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 years, and 5-year age increments for 20 years and older.
  • Age of Father age groups for under 15 year old fathers and 5-year increments for older fathers; Not Reported.
  • Mother's Marital Status: Married; Unmarried; Unknown or not stated, Not Available.
  • Mother's Weight Gain - ten categories: Less than 10 pounds, 10-14 pounds, 15-19 pounds, 20-24 pounds, 25-29 pounds, 30- 34 pounds, 35 or more pounds, Unknown or not stated, Not Reported, Not Available.
Fetal Characteristics:
  • Year: 2005 - 2022.
  • Month: January - December.
  • Weekday Weekend, Weekday.
  • Sex: Female, Male.
  • Delivery Weight is available in 2 groups:
    • Delivery Weight 4: 1499 grams or less; 1500 - 2499 grams; 2500 - 8165 grams; Unknown or not stated.
    • Delivery Weight 14: 249 grams or less; 250 - 349 grams, 350 - 499 grams, 500 gram increments up to 4999 grams; 5000 - 8165 grams; Unknown or Not stated.
  • Live Birth Order: Zero through Seven, Eight or more, Unknown or not stated; Not Reported.
  • Total Birth Order: One through Seven, Eight or more, Unknown or not stated; Not Available; Not Reported.
  • Plurality or Multiple Birth: Single; Twin; Triplet or more.
  • Delivery Place is available in 2 groups:
    • Delivery Place: In Hospital; Freestanding Birth Center; Clinic/Doctor's Office; Residence; Other; Unknown.
    • Delivery Place 3: In Hospital; Not in Hospital; Unknown or Not Stated.
  • Medical Attendant: Doctor of Medicine (MD); Doctor of Osteopathy (DO); Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM / CM); Other Midwife; Other; Unknown or Not Stated; Not Reported.
  • LMP Gestational Age is available in 3 groups:
    • LMP Gestational Age Weekly: Single week increments from 20 through 47 weeks; Unknown; Not Available.
    • LMP Gestational Age : 20 - 23 weeks; 24 - 27 weeks; 28 weeks or more; Unknown; Not Available.
    • LMP Gestational Age 10: 20 - 23 weeks; 24 - 27 weeks; 28 - 31 weeks; 32 - 35 weeks; 36 weeks; 37-39 weeks; 39 weeks, 40 weeks; 41 weeks; 42 or more weeks; Unknown; Not Available.
  • Delivery Method: Vaginal; Cesarean; Not Stated; Not Reported.
  • Forceps: Yes; No; Unknown or Not Stated; Not Reported; Not Available.
  • Vacuum: Yes; No; Unknown or Not Stated; Not Reported; Not Available.
  • Breech: Yes; No; Unknown or Not Stated; Not Reported; Not Available.
Maternal risk factors: Congenital Anomalies of the Fetus: More data are available for fetal deaths in years 2014 and later in the expanded Fetal Deaths data.
Contents:    Fetal Deaths Data Request
Data Source Information
Additional Information

Fetal Deaths Data Request

Output:    You can produce tables, maps, charts, and data extracts.

How?    The Request screen has sections to guide you through the making a data request as step-by-step process. However, to get your first taste of how the system works, you might want to simply press any Send button, and execute the default data request. The data results for your query appear on the Table screen. After you get your data results, try the Chart and Map screens. Or export your data to a file (tab-delimited line listing) for download to your computer.

For more information, see the following:

Quick Start Guide;
Step 1, Organize your request;
Step 2, Select location of maternal residence;
Step 3, Select other maternal/paternal characteristics;
Step 4, Select fetal characteristics;
Step 5, Select maternal risk factors;
Step 6, Select congenital anomalies of the fetus;
Step 7, Other options.

Help:    Click on any button labeled "Help", located to the right side of the screen at the top of each section. Each Control's label, such as the "Location" label next to the Location entry box, is linked to the online help for that item.
Send:    Sends your data request to be processed on the CDC WONDER databases. The Send buttons are located on the bottom of the Request page, and also in the upper right corner of each section, for easy access.
Variables:   You can limit and index your data by any variables listed above.

Step 1. Organize table layout:

Select up to five variables that serve as keys for grouping your data. For example, you could select to group (summarize, stratify, index) your data by Year, State, Race and Gestational Age.
How?    See How do I organize my data? for more information. Also, see How do I select items from the list box?

  1. To make a map, you must request data with a geographic location variable, such as State, as a "By-Variable." Then click the Map tab.
  2. You cannot make charts when your data has more than two By-Variables.
Title  Enter any desired description to display as a title with your results.

Step 2. Select maternal residence:

Limit the population to specific locations here. Alternately, you can leave the settings at the default values (the United States) and choose to organize or group the data results by Region, Division, or State to show these stratifications.

Location: Regions, Divisions, and States

This dataset includes locations organized by Census Regions, Census Divisions, HHS Regions, and States. There are two sets of locations, "Standard" and "Expanded". The "Standard" locations have the traditional 50 states plus D.C. The "Expanded" has the same except New York state is divided into two locations, Upstate New York and New York City. Use this field to specify the location or locations for the query. Select any number of locations.

  • Click a round button to switch between the State list, the HHS Regions list, or the Census Regions and Census Divisions list.
  • See How do I use a Finder? for more information.
  • The Advanced mode let you easily pick several items from different parts of the list. Items are not selected until you click the "Move" button in Advanced mode. You may also enter values by hand, one code per line, in the Advanced mode. Use the Finder to see the correct code format. For example, 02 is the Alaska state code.
  • The "plus" symbol, "+" indicates that you can open the item, to see more items below it.
  • The results to a search are shown in blue, and indicated by ">".
  • Notes:   

    • State codes are Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) codes. See the Locations section below for more information.
    • Regions and divisions are multi-state groups. Choose between two types of regions:
      • four Census Regions, with nine sub-ordinate Census divisions
      • ten Health and Human Services (HHS) Regions.
    • Data for Standard Residence States are derived from the "mrstatepstl" variable in the public use data. Data for Expanded Residence States are derived from the "xmrstate" variable in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported, there are separate columns for location label and code values. To see the full set of available location code values, group results by Census Region, Census Division, and State, or group results by HHS Region, and State. Then export the results.

    Step 3. Select other maternal/paternal characteristics:

    Limit your data for any of the following data elements:

      Available all Years:
    • Mother's Race: American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian or Pacific Islander; Black or African American; White; Not Reported.
    • Mother's Race/Hispanic Origin: Mexican; Puerto Rican; Cuban; Central or South American; Other and Unknown Hispanic; Non-Hispanic White; Non-Hispanic Black; Non-Hispanic other races; Origin unknown or not stated; Not Reported; Not Available. Mother's Bridged Race/Hispanic Origin data are available for years 2005-2018, and categorized as Not Available beginning in year 2019.
    • Mother's Hispanic Origin: Non-Hispanic; Mexican; Puerto Rican; Cuban; Central or South American; Other and Unknown Hispanic; Origin unknown or not stated; Not Reported.
    • Age of Mother is available in 3 age groups:
      • Age of Mother 9: Groups for under 15 years, and 5-year increments for 15 and older;
      • Age of Mother 10: Groups for under 15 years, 15-17 years, 18-19 years, and 5-year age increments for 20 years and older;
      • Age of Mother 13: Groups for under 15 years, single-year age categories for 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 years, and 5-year age increments for 20 years and older.
    • Age of Father age groups for under 15 year old fathers and 5-year increments for older fathers; Not Reported.
    • Mother's Marital Status: Married; Unmarried; Unknown or not stated; Not Available.
    • Mother's Weight Gain - ten categories: Less than 10 pounds, 10-14 pounds, 15-19 pounds, 20-24 pounds, 25-29 pounds, 30- 34 pounds, 35 or more pounds, Unknown or not stated, Not Reported, Not Available.

    Mother's Bridged Race

    This field indicates the race of the mother, by 4 bridged race groups.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • For the specified years the following reporting areas have "Mother's Race" coded to "Not Reported:" 2015 - Rhode Island.
    • Mother's Race data are derived from the "mracerec" variable in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Mother's Race code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below. Public Health Information Network (PHIN) compatible codes are used when applicable.

         Code Label
         "1002-5"  American Indian or Alaskan Native 
         "API"  Asian / Pacific Islander 
         "2054-5"  Black 
         "2106-3"  White 
         "100"  Not Reported 

    Mother's Bridged Race/Hispanic Origin

    This field indicates the combined race and Hispanic ethnicity of the mother, based on the 4 bridged-race categories.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • Mother's Bridged Race/Hispanic Origin data are available for years 2005-2018, and categorized as Not Available beginning in year 2019.
    • For the specified years the following reporting areas have "Mother's Bridged Race/Hispanic Origin" coded to "Not Reported:"
      2015 - Rhode Island.
    • Mother's Race/Hispanic Origin data are derived from the "mracehisp" variable in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Mother's Race/Hispanic Origin code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below. Public Health Information Network (PHIN) compatible codes are used when applicable.

       Code Label
       "2148-5"  Mexican 
       "2180-8"  Puerto Rican 
       "2182-4"  Cuban 
       "4"  Central or South American 
       "5"  Other and Unknown Hispanic 
       "6"  Non-Hispanic White 
       "7"  Non-Hispanic Black 
       "8"  Non - Hispanic other races 
       "9"  Origin unknown or not stated 
       "10 "  Not Available (2019 and later)
       "100"  Not Reported 

    Mother's Hispanic Origin

    This field indicates the Hispanic origin of the mother.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • For the specified years the following reporting areas have "Mother's Hispanic Origin" coded to "Not Reported:" 2015 - Rhode Island.
    • Mother's Hispanic Origin data are derived from the "umhisp" variable in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Mother's Hispanic Origin code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below. Public Health Information Network (PHIN) compatible codes are used when applicable.

       Code Label
       "0"  Non-Hispanic 
       "2148-5"  Mexican 
       "2180-8"  Puerto Rican 
       "2182-4"  Cuban 
       "4"  Central or South American 
       "5"  Other and Unknown Hispanic 
       "9"  Origin unknown or not stated 
       "100"  Not Reported 

    Age of Mother

    These fields indicate the age of the mother at the time of delivery. Age of Mother is available in 3 age groups:

    • Age of Mother 9: Groups for under 15 years, and 5-year increments for 15 and older;
    • Age of Mother 10: Groups for under 15 years, 15-17 years, 18-19 years, and 5-year age increments for 20 years and older;
    • Age of Mother 13: Groups for under 15 years, single-year age categories for 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 years, and 5-year age increments for 20 years and older.
    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • Data for Age of Mother 9 are derived from the "mager9" variable in the public use data. Data for Age of Mother 10 are derived from a combination of "mager9" and "mager14" variables in the public use data. Data for Age of Mother 13 are derived from the "mager14" variable in the public use data.
    • Prior to May 2022, Age of Mother was available as follows: Age of Mother Year: Single group for 12 years and under, and single-year increments for 13 and older. Data for Age of Mother Year are derived from the "mager" variable in the public use data. These more detailed data for mother's age at delivery are no longer available on CDC WONDER, due to updates in the National Vital Statistics System privacy policy.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, an Age of Mother code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

      Age of Mother 9:
       Code Label
       "15"  Under 15 years 
       "15-19"  15 - 19 years 
       "20-24"  20 - 24 years 
       "25-29"  25 - 29 years 
       "30-34"  30 - 34 years 
       "35-39"  35 - 39 years 
       "40-44"  40 - 44 years 
       "45-49"  45 - 49 years 
       "50+"  50 years and over 

      Age of Mother 10:
       Code Label
       "15"  Under 15 years 
       "15-19"  15 - 17 years 
       "15-19"  18 - 19 years 
       "20-24"  20 - 24 years 
       "25-29"  25 - 29 years 
       "30-34"  30 - 34 years 
       "35-39"  35 - 39 years 
       "40-44"  40 - 44 years 
       "45-49"  45 - 49 years 
       "50+"  50 years and over 

      Age of Mother 13:
       Code Label
       "15-"  Under 15 years 
       "15"  15 years 
       "16"  16 years 
       "17"  17 years 
       "18"  18 years 
       "19"  19 years 
       "20-24"  20 - 24 years 
       "25-29"  25 - 29 years 
       "30-34"  30 - 34 years 
       "35-39"  35 - 39 years 
       "40-44"  40 - 44 years 
       "45-49"  45 - 49 years 
       "50+"  50 years and over 

    Age of Father

    These fields indicate the age of the father at the time of delivery.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • "Age of Father" has been coded to "Not Reported" for the following specified years and reporting areas:
      2017-2022 - Alabama;
      2019-2022 - Arkansas;
      2017-2022 - District of Columbia;
      2017-2022 - Georgia;
      2020-2022 - Hawaii;
      2020 - Kentucky;
      2017-2018 - New Jersey;
      2021 - New Mexico;
      2017-2022 - New York Upstate;
      2017-2021 - New York City;
      2022 - Rhode Island;
      2017; 2019 - Tennessee;
      2005-2022 - Virginia;
      2019; 2021 - Wisconsin.
    • Data for Age of Father are derived from the "fagerec11" variable in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, an Age of Father code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

       Code Label
       "15"  Under 15 years 
       "15-19"  15 - 19 years 
       "20-24"  20 - 24 years 
       "25-29"  25 - 29 years 
       "30-34"  30 - 34 years 
       "35-39"  35 - 39 years 
       "40-44"  40 - 44 years 
       "45-49"  45 - 49 years 
       "50-54"  50 - 54 years 
       "55+"  55 years and over 
       "NS"  Not stated 
       "NR"  Not Reported 

    Mother's Marital Status

    This field indicates the marital status of the mother as recorded on the fetal death report.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • "Mother's Marital Status" has been coded to "Not Reported" for the following specified years and reporting areas:
      2005 - California, Nevada, New York (state), New York City, and Texas;
      2006 - California, Nevada, New York (state), New York City;
      2007 - California, Nevada, New York (state), New York City;
      2008 - California, Nevada, New York (state), New York City;
      2009 - California, Nevada, New York (state), New York City;
      2010 - California, New York (state), New York City;
      2011 - California, New York (state), New York City;
      2012 - California, New York (state), New York City;
      2013 - California, New York (state), New York City.
      • "Mother's Marital Status" is not available for years after 2013. "Mother's Marital Status" has been coded to "Not Available" for the following years and reporting areas:
        2014-2022 - all reporting areas.
      • Data for Marital Status are derived from the "mar" variable in the public use data.
      • When the data results are exported to a file, the Marital Status code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

         Code Label
         "1"  Married 
         "2"  Unmarried 
         "9"  Unknown or not stated 
         "100"  Not Reported
         "110"  Not Available 

    Mother's Weight Gain

    This field indicates the weight gain of the mother as recorded on the fetal death report.

    Mother's Weight Gain is available in ten categories: Less than 10 pounds, 10-14 pounds, 15-19 pounds, 20-24 pounds, 25-29 pounds, 30- 34 pounds, 35 or more pounds, Unknown or not stated, Not Reported, Not Available.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • "Mother's Weight Gain" has been coded to "Not Reported" for the specified years and reporting areas:
      2005-2006 - California, Hawaii;
      2007-2009 - Georgia, Hawaii;
      2010-2013 - Hawaii.
    • "Mother's Weight Gain" is not available in years after 2013. "Mother's Weight Gain" is coded to "Not Available" in the following years and reporting areas:
      2014-2022 - all reporting areas.
    • Data for Mother's Weight Gain are derived from the "wtgain_rec" variable in the public use data.
    • Before June 2022, Mother Weight Gain data were also available in more detail, including single pound increments from zero through 97 pounds, and a category for 98 pounds and over. The more detailed data by single pound increments for Mother's Weight Gain are derived from the "wtgain" variable in the public use data. The codes values exported by WONDER matched the category labels (0, 1, 2... 98).
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Mother's Weight Gain code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

      Mother's Weight Gain:
       Code Label
       "1"  Less than 10 pounds 
       "2"  10 - 14 pounds 
       "3"  15 - 19 pounds 
       "4"  20 - 24 pounds 
       "5"  25 - 29 pounds 
       "6"  30 - 34 pounds 
       "7"  35 or more pounds 
       "8"  Unknown or not stated 
       "100"  Not Reported 
       "110"  Not Available 

    Step 4. Select fetal characteristics:

    Limit your data for any of the following data elements:

    • Year: 2005 - 2022.
    • Month: January - December.
    • Weekday Weekend; Weekday.
    • Sex: Female, Male.
    • Delivery Weight is available in 2 groups:
      • Delivery Weight 4: 1499 grams or less; 1500 - 2499 grams; 2500 - 8165 grams; Unknown or not stated.
      • Delivery Weight 14: 249 grams or less; 250 - 349 grams, 350 - 499 grams, 500 gram increments up to 4999 grams; 5000 - 8165 grams; Unknown or Not stated.
    • Live Birth Order: Zero through Seven, Eight or more, Unknown or not stated, Not Reported.
    • Total Birth Order: One through Seven, Eight or more, Unknown or not stated; Not Available.
    • Plurality or Multiple Birth: Single; Twin; Triplet or more.
    • Delivery Place is available in 2 groups:
      • Delivery Place: In Hospital; Freestanding Birth Center; Clinic/Doctor's Office; Residence; Other; Unknown.
      • Delivery Place 3: In Hospital; Not in Hospital; Unknown or Not Stated.
    • Medical Attendant: Doctor of Medicine (MD); Doctor of Osteopathy (DO); Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM / CM); Other Midwife; Other; Unknown or Not Stated; Not Reported.
    • LMP Gestational Age is available in 3 groups:
      • LMP Gestational Age Weekly: Single week increments from 20 through 47 weeks; Unknown; Not Available.
      • LMP Gestational Age : 20 - 23 weeks; 24 - 27 weeks; 28 weeks or more; Unknown; Not Available.
      • LMP Gestational Age 10: 20 - 23 weeks; 24 - 27 weeks; 28 - 31 weeks; 32 - 35 weeks; 36 weeks; 37-39 weeks; 39 weeks, 40 weeks; 41 weeks; 42 or more weeks; Unknown; Not Available.
    • Delivery Method: Vaginal; Cesarean; Not Stated; Not Reported.
    • Forceps: Yes; No; Unknown or Not Stated; Not Reported; Not Available.
    • Vacuum: Yes; No; Unknown or Not Stated; Not Reported; Not Available.
    • Breech: Yes; No; Unknown or Not Stated; Not Reported; Not Available.


    This field indicates the year of death as recorded on the fetal death report.
    How?    See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • Data for Year are derived from the "dod_yy" field in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Year code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

      For Year the code is the same as the category label.


    This field indicates the month of death as recorded on the fetal death report.
    How?    See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • Data for Month are derived from the "dod_mm" field in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Month code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

       Code Label
       "1"  January 
       "2"  February 
       "3"  March 
       "4"  April 
       "5"  May 
       "6"  June 
       "7"  July 
       "8"  August 
       "9"  September 
       "10"  October 
       "11"  November 
       "12"  December 


    This field indicates whether the date of death as recorded on the fetal death report fell on a weekend or weekday.
    How?    See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • Data for Weekday are derived from the "dod_wk" field in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Weekday code is shown in a separate column from the category label. The labels and codes for the two categories are Weekend (1); Weekday (2).
    • Before June 2022, the data were reported in seven categories. Codes for each category label are listed below.

      Available before June 2022:
       Code Label
       "1"  Sunday 
       "2"  Monday 
       "3"  Tuesday 
       "4"  Wednesday 
       "5"  Thursday 
       "6"  Friday 
       "7"  Saturday 


    This field indicates the sex of fetus as recorded on the fetal death report.
    How?    See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • Data for Sex are derived from the "sex" field in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Sex code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

       Code Label
       "F"  Female 
       "M"  Male 

    Delivery Weight

    This field indicates the delivery weight of fetus as recorded on the fetal death report. Delivery weight is available in 2 groups.

    • Delivery Weight 4: 1499 grams or less; 1500 - 2499 grams; 2500 - 8165 grams; Unknown or not stated.
    • Delivery Weight 14: 249 grams or less; 250 - 349 grams, 350 - 499 grams, 500 gram increments up to 4999 grams; 5000 - 8165 grams; Unknown or Not stated.
    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • Data for Delivery Weight 4 are derived from the "bwtr4" field in the public use data. Data for Delivery Weight 14 are derived from the "bwtr14" field in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Delivery Weight code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

      Delivery Weight 4:
       Code Label
       "01"  1499 grams or less 
       "02"  1500 - 2499 grams 
       "03"  2500 - 8165 grams 
       "04"  Unknown or not stated 

      Delivery Weight 14:
       Code Label
       "01"  249 grams or less 
       "02"  250 - 349 grams 
       "03"  350 - 499 grams 
       "04"  500 - 999 grams 
       "05"  1000 - 1499 grams 
       "06"  1500 - 1999 grams 
       "07"  2000 - 2499 grams 
       "08"  2500 - 2999 grams 
       "09"  3000 - 3499 grams 
       "10"  3500 - 3999 grams 
       "11"  4000 - 4499 grams 
       "12"  4500 - 4999 grams 
       "13"  5000 - 8165 grams 
       "14"  Unknown or not stated 

    Live Birth Order

    This field indicates the mother's total number of previous live births.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • For the specified years the following reporting areas have "Live Birth Order" coded to "Not Reported:"
      2015 - Rhode Island
      2021-2022 Hawaii.
    • Data for Live Birth Order are derived from the "lbo_rec" field in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Live Birth Order code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

     Code Label
     "00"  0 
     "01"  1 
     "02"  2 
     "03"  3 
     "04"  4 
     "05"  5 
     "06"  6 
     "07"  7 
     "08"  8 or more 
     "09"  Unknown or not stated 
     "100"  Not Reported 

    Total Birth Order

    This field indicates the sum of all previous pregnancies (previous live births and other pregnancy outcomes) plus this one.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • Total Birth Order is not available in all years after 2013. Total Birth Order has been coded to "Not Available" for the following years and reporting areas:
      2014-2022 - all reporting areas.
    • Data for Total Birth Order are derived from the "tbo_rec" field in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Total Birth Order code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

     Code Label
     "01"  1 
     "02"  2 
     "03"  3 
     "04"  4 
     "05"  5 
     "06"  6 
     "07"  7 
     "08"  8 or more 
     "09"  Unknown or not stated 
     "110"  Not Available 

    Plurality or Multiple Birth

    The plurality field indicates if more than one fetus shared the gestation.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • Data for Plurality are derived from the "dplural" field in the public use data.
    • Beginning in 2022 for Fetal Deaths statistics shared on CDC WONDER, plurality data are not available for Quadruplet and Quintuplet or higher categories. Prior to this change, for fetal deaths occurring in years 2005 -2019, the following categories were available: Quadruplet (deaths in years 2005-2018); Quadruplet or higher (deaths in year 2019); Quintuplet or higher (deaths in years 2005-2018).
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Plurality code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

       Code Label
       "1"  Single 
       "2"  Twin 
       "3"  Triplet or higher
      Categories available before May 2022
       "4"  Quadruplet 
      (years 2005-2018)
       "4"  Quadruplet or higher
      (years 2019)
       "5"  Quintuplet or higher
      (years 2005-2018)
       "10"  Not Available

    Delivery Place

    This field indicates the delivery place of fetus as recorded on the fetal death report. Delivery place is available in 2 groups.

    • Delivery Place: In Hospital; Freestanding Birth Center; Clinic/Doctor's Office; Residence; Other; Unknown.
    • Delivery Place 3: In Hospital; Not in Hospital; Unknown or Not Stated.
    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • Data for Delivery Place are derived from the "ubfacil" variable in the public use data. Data for Delivery Place 3 are derived from the "ubfacil" variable in the public use data for year 2005. Data for Delivery Place 3 are derived from the "bfacil3" variable in the public use data for years 2006 - 2022.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Delivery Place code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

      Delivery Place:
       Code Label
       "1"  In Hospital 
       "2"  Freestanding Birth Center 
       "3"  Clinic/Doctor's Office 
       "4"  Residence 
       "5"  Other 
       "9"  Unknown 

      Delivery Place 3:
       Code Label
       "1"   In Hospital  
       "2"   Not in Hospital  
       "3"   Unknown or Not Stated  

    Medical Attendant

    This field indicates the attendant at the time of delivery.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • The category for Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM / CM) represents certified nurse midwife (CNM), certified midwife (CM), and advanced practice registered nurse (APRN). The category for Other Midwife represents a midwife other than CNM/CM, and includes Certified Professional Midwife (CPM).
    • The following reporting areas have Medical Attendant coded to "Not Reported" for the specified years: Idaho 2005-2012.
    • Data for Medical Attendant are derived from the "attend" field in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Medical Attendant code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

       Code Label
       "1"   Doctor of Medicine (MD)  
       "2"   Doctor of Osteopathy (DO)  
       "3"   Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM / CM)  
       "4"   Other Midwife  
       "5"   Other  
       "9"   Unknown or Not Stated  
       "100"   Not Reported  

    LMP Gestational Age

    This field indicates the duration of the pregnancy at the time of delivery. Gestational age is available in 3 groups:

    • LMP Gestational Age Weekly: Single week increments from 20 through 47 weeks; Unknown; Not Available.
    • LMP Gestational Age : 20 - 23 weeks; 24 - 27 weeks; 28 weeks or more; Unknown; Not Available.
    • LMP Gestational Age 10: 20 - 23 weeks; 24 - 27 weeks; 28 - 31 weeks; 32 - 35 weeks; 36 weeks; 37-39 weeks; 39 weeks, 40 weeks; 41 weeks; 42 or more weeks; Unknown; Not Available.

    • Click a round button to switch between the gestational age lists.
    • Select your desired age groups. See How do I select items from the list box?.
    • Hint:
      You can only pick 1 gestational age list for any data request. The round radio button indicates the selected list, any selections in the other gestational age at delivery lists are ignored. The gestational age at delivery "by-variables" in section 1 and the radio button selections must match. For example, if you select to group by "LMP Gestational Age Weekly", then the radio button automatically sets to the "LMP Gestational Age Weekly" selection list. If you change the radio button to a different list, then the "by-variable" also changes to match.


    • LMP Gestational Age groups are not available in all years after 2013. LMP Gestational Age has been coded to "Not Available" for the following years and reporting areas:
      2014-2022 - all reporting areas.
    • Data for LMP Gestational Age Weekly are derived from the "combgest" variable in the public use data. Data for LMP Gestational Age 4 are derived from the "gestrec5" variable in the public use data. Data for LMP Gestational Age 10 are derived from the "gestrec10" variable in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the LMP Gestational Age codes are shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

    LMP Gestational Age Weekly:
     Code Label
     "20"  20 weeks  
     "21"  21 weeks  
     "22"  22 weeks  
     "23"  23 weeks  
     "24"  24 weeks  
     "25"  25 weeks  
     "26"  26 weeks  
     "27"  27 weeks  
     "28"  28 weeks  
     "29"  29 weeks  
     "30"  30 weeks  
     "31"  31 weeks  
     "32"  32 weeks  
     "33"  33 weeks  
     "34"  34 weeks  
     "35"  35 weeks  
     "36"  36 weeks  
     "37"  37 weeks  
     "38"  38 weeks  
     "39"  39 weeks  
     "40"  40 weeks  
     "41"  41 weeks  
     "42"  42 weeks  
     "43"  43 weeks  
     "44"  44 weeks  
     "45"  45 weeks  
     "46"  46 weeks  
     "47"  47 weeks  
     "99"  Unknown  
     "110"  Not Available  

    LMP Gestational Age 4:
     Code Label
     "02"  20 - 23 weeks  
     "03"  24 - 27 weeks  
     "04"  28 weeks or more 
     "05"  Unknown  
     "110"  Not Available  

    LMP Gestational Age 10:
     Code Label
     "03"  20-23 weeks  
     "04"  24-27 weeks  
     "05"  28-31 weeks  
     "06"  32-35 weeks  
     "07"  36 week  
     "08"  37-39 weeks  
     "09"  40 weeks  
     "10"  41 weeks  
     "11"  42 or more weeks 
     "12"  Unknown  
     "110"  Not Available  

    Delivery Method

    This field indicates whether the baby was born by cesarean section or vaginal delivery.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • For the specified years the following reporting areas have Delivery Method coded to "Not Reported:"
      2005-2013; 2021-2022 - Hawaii.
    • Data for Method of Delivery are derived from the "dmeth_rec" field in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Delivery Method code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

       Code Label
       "1"  Vaginal 
       "2"  Cesarean 
       "9"  Not Stated 
       "100"  Not Reported 


    This field indicates whether forceps were used during delivery.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • Some fetal deaths that were not vaginal deliveries were incorrectly coded as forceps deliveries. For these records, Forceps field was recoded to "No" when Delivery Method was "Cesarean," and Forceps was recoded to "Unknown" when Delivery Method was "Unknown." Approximately .05% of the records were recoded per request of the Division of Vital Statistics in CDC's National Center for Health Statistics. This recode resulted in counts in WONDER differing from those found in the public use data files.
    • For the specified years the following reporting areas have Forceps coded to "Not Reported:"
      2005-2013 - Hawaii.
    • Forceps delivery data from the 1989 revision are coded to "Not Available" beginning with fetal deaths in 2018 and later years. Please see "Final Route and Delivery Method" data from the 2003 revision, which includes this information in a new format, in the in the expanded Fetal Deaths data.
    • Data for Forceps are derived from the "forcep" field in the public use data in year 2005. Data for Forceps are derived from the "ume_forcp" field in the public use data in years 2006 - 2017.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Forcep code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

       Code Label
       "1"  Yes 
       "2"  No 
       "9"  Unknown or Not Stated 
       "100"  Not Reported 
       "3"  Not Available 


    This field indicates whether vacuum was used during delivery.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • Some fetal deaths that were not vaginal deliveries were incorrectly coded as vacuum deliveries. For these records Vacuum field was recoded to "No" when Delivery Method was "Cesarean," and Vacuum was recoded to "Unknown" when Delivery Method was "Unknown". Approximately .05% of the records were recoded per request of the Division of Vital Statistics in CDC's National Center for Health Statistics. This recode resulted in counts in WONDER differing from those found in the public use data files.
    • For the specified years the following reporting areas have Vacuum coded to "Not Reported:"
      2005-2013 - Hawaii.
    • Vacuum delivery data from the 1989 revision are coded to "Not Available" beginning with fetal deaths in 2018. Please see "Final Route and Delivery Method" data from the 2003 revision, which includes this information in a new format, in the in the expanded Fetal Deaths data.
    • Data for Vacuum are derived from the "vacuum" variable in the public use data in year 2005. Data for Vacuum are derived from the "ume_vac" variable in the public use data in years 2006 - 2017.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Vacuum code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

       Code Label
       "1"  Yes 
       "2"  No 
       "9"  Unknown or Not Stated 
       "100"  Not Reported 
       "3"  Not Available 


    This field indicates whether breech occurred during delivery.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • For the specified years the following reporting areas have Breech coded to "Not Reported:"
      2005 - Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, Washington;
      2006 - Hawaii;
      2007 - Georgia, Hawaii;
      2008-2013 - Hawaii.
    • Breech delivery data from the 1989 revision are coded to "Not Available" beginning with fetal deaths in 2018. Please see "Fetal presentation" data from the 2003 revision, which includes this information in a new format, in the in the expanded Fetal Deaths data.
    • Data for Breech are derived from the "uld_breech" variable in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Breech code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

       Code Label
       "1"  Yes 
       "2"  No 
       "9"  Unknown or Not Stated 
       "100"  Not Reported 
       "3"  Not Available 

    Step 5. Select maternal risk factors:

    Limit your data for any of the following data elements:


    This field indicates whether diabetes was a maternal risk factory.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • For the specified years the following reporting areas have Diabetes coded to "Not Reported:"
      2005-2006 - Hawaii;
      2007 - Georgia, Hawaii;
      2008-2013 - Hawaii;
      2016-2017 - Rhode Island, Washington;
      2018 - Washington.
    • Data for Diabetes are derived from the "urf_diab" variable in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Diabetes code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

       Code Label
       "1"  Yes 
       "2"  No 
       "9"  Unknown or Not Stated 
       "100"  Not Reported 

    Chronic Hypertension

    This field indicates whether chronic hypertension was a maternal risk factory.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • For the specified years the following reporting areas have Chronic Hypertension coded to "Not Reported:"
      2005-2006 - Hawaii;
      2007 - Georgia, Hawaii;
      2008-2013 - Hawaii;
      2016-2017 - Rhode Island, Washington;
      2018 - Washington.
    • Data for Chronic Hypertension data are derived from the "urf_chyper" variable in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Chronic Hypertension code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

       Code Label
       "1"  Yes 
       "2"  No 
       "9"  Unknown or Not Stated 
       "100"  Not Reported 

    Pregnancy-associated Hypertension

    This field indicates whether pregnancy-associated hypertension was a maternal risk factory.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • For the specified years the following reporting areas have Pregnancy-associated Hypertension coded to "Not Reported:"
      2005-2006 - Hawaii;
      2007 - Georgia, Hawaii;
      2008-2013 - Hawaii;
      2016-2017 - Rhode Island, Washington;
      2018 - Washington.
    • Data for Pregnancy-associated Hypertension are derived from the "urf_phyper" variable in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Pregnancy-associated Hypertension code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

       Code Label
       "1"  Yes 
       "2"  No 
       "9"  Unknown or Not Stated 
       "100"  Not Reported 


    This field indicates whether eclampsia was a maternal risk factory.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • For the specified years the following reporting areas have Eclampsia coded to "Not Reported:"
      2005-2006 - Hawaii, Idaho, Michigan, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Washington;
      2007 - Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Michigan, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Washington;
      2008-2010 - Hawaii, Idaho, Michigan, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Washington;
      2011 - Hawaii, Idaho, Michigan, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Washington;
      2012 - Hawaii, Idaho, Michigan, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Washington;
      2013 - Hawaii, Michigan, Nebraska;
      2016-2017 - Rhode Island, Washington;
      2018 - Washington.
    • Data for Eclampsia are derived from the "urf_eclam" variable in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Eclampsia code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

       Code Label
       "1"  Yes 
       "2"  No 
       "9"  Unknown or Not Stated 
       "100"  Not Reported 

    Step 6. Congenital Anomalies of the Fetus:

    Limit your data for any of the following data elements:


    This field indicates whether anencephalus was a congenital anomaly.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • Anencephalus has been coded to "Not Reported" for the specified years and reporting areas:
      2005-2006 - Hawaii, New Mexico, New York (state), New York City;
      2007 - Georgia, Hawaii, New Mexico, New York (state), New York City;
      2008-2009 - Hawaii, New Mexico, New York (state), New York City;
      2010 - Hawaii, New York City;
      2011-2013: Hawaii.
    • Anencephalus is not available in all years after 2013. Anacephalus has been coded to "Not Available" in the following years and reporting areas: 2014-2022 - all reporting areas.
    • Data for Anencephalus are derived from the "uca_anen" variable in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Anencephalus code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

       Code Label
       "1"  Yes 
       "2"  No 
       "9"  Not classifiable 
       "100"  Not Reported 
       "110"  Not Available 

    Spina Bifida / Meningocele

    This field indicates whether spina bifida/meningocele was a congenital anomaly.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • Spina Bifida/Meningocele data has been recoded to "Not Reported" for the specified years and reporting areas:
      2005-2006 - Hawaii, New Mexico, New York (state), New York City;
      2007 - Georgia, Hawaii, New Mexico, New York (state), New York City;
      2008-2009 - Hawaii, New Mexico, New York (state), New York City;
      2010 - Hawaii, New York City;
      2011-2013 - Hawaii.
    • Spina Bifida/Meningocele is not available in all years after 2013. Spina Bifida/Meningocele has been coded to "Not Available" in the following years and reporting areas: 2014-2022 - all reporting areas.
    • Data for Spina Bifida/Meningocele are derived from the "uca_spina" variable in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Spina Bifida/Meningocele code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

       Code Label
       "1"  Yes 
       "2"  No 
       "9"  Not classifiable 
       "100"  Not Reported 
       "110"  Not Available 

    Omphalocele / Gastroschisis

    This field indicates whether omphalocele/gastroschisis was a congenital anomaly.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • Omphalocele/Gastroschisis has been recoded to "Not Reported" for the specified years and following reporting areas:
      2005-2006 - Hawaii, New Mexico, New York (state), New York City;
      2007 - Georgia, Hawaii, New Mexico, New York (state), New York City;
      2008-2009 - Hawaii, New Mexico, New York (state), New York City;
      2010 - Hawaii, New York City;
      2011-2013 - Hawaii.
    • Omphalocele/Gastroschisis is not available in all years after 2013. Omphalocele/Gastroschisis has been coded to "Not Available" in the following years and reporting areas: 2014-2022 - all reporting areas.
    • Data for Omphalocele/Gastroschisis are derived from the "uca_ompha" variable in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Omphalocele/Gastroschisis code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

       Code Label
       "1"  Yes 
       "2"  No 
       "9"  Not classifiable 
       "100"  Not Reported 
       "110"  Not Available 

    Cleft Lip / Palate

    This field indicates whether cleft lip/palate was a congenital anomaly.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • Cleft Lip/Palate has been recoded to "Not Reported" for the specified years and reporting areas:
      2005-2006 - Hawaii, New Mexico, New York (state), New York City;
      2007 - Georgia, Hawaii, New Mexico, New York (state), New York City;
      2008-2009 - Hawaii, New Mexico, New York (state), New York City.
      2010 - Hawaii, New York City;
      2011-2013 - Hawaii.
    • Cleft Lip/Palate is not available in all years after 2013. Cleft Lip/Palate has been coded to "Not Available" in the following years and reporting areas: 2014-2022 - all reporting areas.
    • Data for Cleft Lip/Palate are derived from the "uca_cleftlp" variable in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Cleft Lip/Palate code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

       Code Label
       "1"  Yes 
       "2"  No 
       "9"  Not classifiable 
       "100"  Not Reported 
       "110"  Not Available 

    Downs Syndrome

    This field indicates whether downs syndrome was a congenital anomaly.

    How?     See How do I select items from the list box?.


    • Downs Syndrome has been coded to "Not Reported" for the specified years and reporting areas:
      2005-2006 - Hawaii, New Mexico, New York (state), New York City;
      2007 - Georgia, Hawaii, New Mexico, New York (state), New York City;
      2008-2009 - Hawaii, New Mexico, New York (state), New York City;
      2010 - Hawaii, New York City;
      2011-2013 Hawaii.
    • Downs Syndrome is not available in all years after 2013. Downs Syndrome has been coded to "Not Available" in the following years and reporting areas: 2014-2022 - all reporting areas.
    • Data for Downs Syndrome are derived from the "uca_downs" variable in the public use data.
    • When the data results are exported to a file, the Downs Syndrome code is shown in a separate column from the category label. Codes for each category label are listed below.

       Code Label
       "1"  Yes 
       "2"  No 
       "9"  Not classifiable 
       "100"  Not Reported 
       "110"  Not Available 

    Step 7. Other options:
    Export Results:    If checked, then query results are exported to a local file. More information on how to import this file into other applications can be found here.
    How?   See Check box.
    Show Totals:    If checked, then totals and sub-totals display in the results table.
    How?   See Check box.
    Show Zero Values:    If checked, then rows containing zero counts are included in the results table. If unchecked, then zero count rows are not included.
    How?   See Check box.
    Show Suppressed Values:    If checked, then rows containing suppressed values are displayed in the results table. If unchecked, then suppressed rows are not displayed.
    How?   See Check box.
    Data Access Timeout:    This value specifies the maximum time to wait for the data access for a query to complete. If the data access takes too long to complete, a message will be displayed and you can increase the timeout or simplify your request. If you can't complete a request using the maximum timeout, contact user support and we will try to run a custom data request for you.

    Data Source Information

    See Source in the Summary section above, or see the suggested citation below. To learn more about the methods and source of these data please refer to:

    Other Issues

    Locations - About FIPS State Codes

    The FIPS state codes were established by the National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Department of Commerce in 1968. This standard set of codes provides names and codes for the 50 states of the United States and the District of Columbia. The system is standard throughout the Federal Government. The state codes are ascending, two-digit numbers. Some changes in the FIPS codes have occurred since 1968.

    A modified version of the FIPS state is used to identify states on NCHS public-use data files. The modifications as implemented in this public-use data set are described below.

    Modifications of FIPS State Codes

    The "Expanded Residence" list breaks New York into two entities:

    1. New York, Upstate (FIPS code 36)
    2. New York City (code 70)

    Additional Information

    Suggested Citation:    United States Department of Health and Human Services (US DHHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Division of Vital Statistics (DVS). National Vital Statistics System, Fetal Death Records 2005-2022, on CDC WONDER Online Database. Data are compiled from data provided by the 57 vital statistics jurisdictions through the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program,
    Contact:    The National Center for Health Statistics welcomes comments and questions at nchsed@cdc.gov.
    • About Fetal Deaths
      • Fetal death refers to the spontaneous intrauterine death of a fetus at any time during pregnancy. Fetal deaths later in pregnancy (at 20 weeks of gestation or more) are also sometimes referred to as stillbirths. In the United States, State laws require the reporting of fetal deaths, and Federal law mandates national collection and publication of fetal death data. Most states report fetal deaths of 20 weeks of gestation or more and/or 350 grams birthweight. However, a few states report fetal deaths for all periods of gestation.
      • Fetal death data are published annually by the National Center for Health Statistics, in reports and as individual-record data files.
      • This data collection provides the number of fetal deaths at 20 weeks of gestation or more, occurring within the United States to U.S. residents. Information are derived from Report of Fetal Death forms, both the 1989 revision of the U.S. Standard Report of Fetal Death (unrevised) and the 2003 revision of the U.S. Standard Report of Fetal Death (revised).
    • About Fetal Deaths to Maternal Foreign Residents:
      • Fetal Deaths occurring within the United States to a mother who is a resident of a foreign country are excluded from this data set.
      • Foreign residents are defined as follows: state of occurrence is one of the 50 States or the District of Columbia, but place of residence of mother is outside of the 50 States and D.C.
    • Assurance of Confidentiality Constraints:   
      Vital statistics data are suppressed due to confidentiality constraints, in order to protect personal privacy. Data reports for years 1989 and later must meet the NCHS data use restrictions.
      • The term "Suppressed" replaces vital statistics, when the figure represents one through nine (1-9) births or deaths.
      • Totals and sub-totals are suppressed when the value falls within scope of the suppression criteria, or when the summary value includes a single suppressed figure, in order to prevent the inadvertent disclosure of suppressed values.
      • The confidentiality constraints are established by the original data providers. For more information, please contact the data providers.
      • Revised privacy policies:
        • Effective May 2023, the following changes occurred for Fetal Deaths:
          1. Statistics representing zero deaths are no longer suppressed.
          2. Prior to this change, statistics representing zero deaths were suppressed.
        • Effective June 2022, the following changes occurred for Fetal Deaths:
          1. Mother's Weight Gain: single pound categories in increments from 0-98 pounds are no longer available.
          2. Weekday: changed from 7 categories for Saturday-Sunday to 2 categories: Weekday, Weekend.
        • Effective May 2022, the following changes occurred for Fetal Deaths:
          1. All statistics representing less than ten (10) births or deaths are suppressed in query results. Statistics representing zero (0) through nine (9) deaths were suppressed in query results.
          2. Prior to this change, national statistics were not suppressed.
          3. Plurality or Multiple Birth data details for categories higher than triplets are included in a single category for Triplet or higher.
          4. Mother's age groups by single year increments are no longer available.

    This page last reviewed: Tuesday, March 11, 2025
    This information is provided as technical reference material. Please contact us at cwus@cdc.gov.