Installing IRMA on Linux or Mac OS X

Installing IRMA is made easy because we pre-package system specific third-party binaries with only a few exceptions. IRMA dynamically detects its install directory and requires the IRMA_RES folder in the same directory, which is how it is distributed by default. IRMA is pre-packaged with LABEL, which cannot be removed because IRMA uses some of LABEL's packaged scripts.

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  1. IRMA was designed for use with Linux and Mac OS X.
  2. IRMA requires at least Perl version 5 and BASH version 3, which is standard on most Linux & Mac OS X systems. If a particular standard unix utility is missing, you may receive a warning message or else running IRMA will fail. This is unlikely.
  3. Download the latest version of IRMA & LABEL and unzip the archive in the desired <install_path>.
  4. Install R. R must be available on any computer which runs IRMA processes.
  5. If you are running IRMA on a computer grid, you'll need a compatible grid engine such as Open Grid Scheduler. You can use IRMA without a computer grid, but you must make sure to set GRID_ON=0 in your configuration, which is default.
  6. You must add <install_path>/flu-amd to your system's PATH variable.
  7. IRMA is now installed, you can test your installation by running the test script:

    • cd install-path/flu-amd/tests
    • ./

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This page last reviewed: Wednesday, February 26, 2025